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When you live in an apartment . . .

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RS, heard you said there wasn't much village comradery now-a-days. Do you ever think of possibly smoking the peace pipe with the old bat and her son down the road that you have discussed prior? Or is it too far gone? She probably doesn't have time left here and might give you some feel good positive energy that you did all you could to foster some kind of neighborly relationship?
Actually MrMonkey, I made something of a peace with that old cunt. I had my house painted this year and since there was a ton of excess paint I told my painters to go offer to paint her house with my extra paint. She went for the deal and actually walked all the way down to my front door to thank me for my generosity. I tried to expand the conversation to a discussion of just why I couldn't stand her, going all the way back to her time as a lunch lady at my elementary school. She blew me off, but now I don't have to listen to her holler at me when I turn my truck around in her yard. Her idiot son put a stolen fifth-wheel in her backyard last year, and since the cops hauled him and it away, I haven't seen him. Overall, I feel I did my part for world peace this year.

About smoking pot with the elderly, I had a bad experience with that once and I don't ever initiate those situations anymore. I smoked a joint with this old-timer from Wyoming shortly after I bought this place and I swear that guy nearly suffocated from all the coughing. It scared me to death. From now on, I let my seniors make the first inquiry about getting high. Seriously, what do you do if some old person coughs to death from the weed you suggested they smoke? The cops wouldn't believe it, I'd get investigated for foul play.
RS, glad you are at least communicating with the hag. Possibly didn't want to hear your explanation realizing near her end that she has been a not so nice of a person? Good for her if she realizes this and whatever time she left maybe try to talk to her about happier things in life and not the past.