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what Stereotypes piss you off the most ?

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probably the most overrated and were definitely the most overplayed band from say...2008-2010ish ... seriously, the handful of decent songs were so overkilled by radio stations, it was sickening...made me hate them almost as bad as that disgusting Adele pig that they overplay these days

stevies, youtube the north mississippi allstars to get your country boy bluesy fix and lucero for something similar to the kings 9both memphis bands)... styles similar to the kings are in abundance here in the south...i dunno if the drunk lush lead singer is back to normal yet, but i think i saw were he was out of rehab and working on something :dunno:

I didn't get NMAS at all. I still dont get Wilco.
I didn't get NMAS at all. I still dont get Wilco.

too bluesy for me too...they do some jam band sets at certain venues that are okay to listen to from time to time... i mention them because luther and cody dickinson (singer and drummer) are friends of mine from middle school and high school.... we used to have all our little parties at their house because their dad had 3-4 of every freakin instrument known to man... was always a good time....cody was younger, but was an amazing drummer at 12yrs old or so, so we let him hang out withus...