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What is proper etiquette for breaking up with a girl near Valentine's day?

And this is precisely why you owe it to her to be completely honest. She may be hurt that you don't want to be exclusive with her but she can't find any fault with the way you executed the break up if you handle it the way I suggested. There's no way you "lose" if you choose this path. At worst, you come off as the stud who just can't be tied down yet you're brutally honest.

FWIW I agree with this.
Ok she's gone.

We met up last night and talked more. She cried more. I pretty much made her go to Outback Steakhouse with me, even though she didn't want to go. I devoured my 4 course steak meal. She didnt even take a bite of hers, and cried whole time. Taking a girl to dinner AFTER you break up with her isn't a good idea.

I invited her to come back to my place afterwards (although I was expecting her to decline my offer and go home). She came over. I put on movie. She cried herself to sleep. I woke her up and got it in....This morning things seemed fine we were actually talking and joking around. It seems to be over.


Your post made me feel a bit sad inside.

We move on.


That is really, really funny.

Sounds like you had a good meal and smoothed things out some.

If memory serves me correctly you still wanted her around to a degree as something to mess around with here and there.

I think it's very likely you accomplished or came close to accomplishing that, until she finds someone else.

Can I ask how you take your steak?
I always get my steak medium. That specific one was a teriyaki marinated sirloin.

I dunno, its always nice to have a girl in the bullpen to call on a lonely drunk night, but she pretty much said she is not interested in anything casual. I have way too may other options in this city than to continue to torment her. 5 to 1 ratio baby.

Right right.

I do have to say if she found you not wanting to be serious with her to be that devestating then I would have thought she would just storm off and go home and cry. Not the case though, she hung with you; ruined it with the crying but hung with you nonetheless.

I do think she has back of the bullpen potential in that she stuck it out, though it would take some more work if you really wanted to go for that.
people who are old enough to be out of college should understand that valentines day is just another fucking day for a guy to kiss up to a broad and get some pussy after buying flowers and dinner... if you break it off with her a week before Vday, it shouldnt really make any difference at all... when you break up with a chick in h.s. or college, its probably cus you are broke and dont want too spend the money or dont have the money for a special night (and you dont ever fucking dare get into the beer money piggy bank :nope: ) ... this isnt the case here, so like i said before, when you do it really shouldnt be an issue with people your age. Way too much fuss is made about Valentines day...

that being said, i gotta order some shit and get reservations and stuff together before i get my nuts chopped off come monday! :venditto: