Hooligans Sportsbook

What is proper etiquette for breaking up with a girl near Valentine's day?


geaux sports
Jan 27, 2010
I just told this girl I've been seeing for 4 months that I don't want to be serious and want to see other people. Obviously most here know I have been doing that anyways, but she didn't know. I've been planning on doing it for past month or so, and was thinking that I should avoid doing it within the vicinity of Valentines day. But I have multiple other dates this weekend, and figured that it would be worse to just blow her off the entire time.

Should I have waited another week?

Call her now and end it is the best advice I can give. It's not that close to V-Day and she'll appreciate that you called (not texted).

One time, Blitty

But, Blitty wants a piece of her at times.
EDIT: Read it again...he seems to have already broken up.

Blitty, your portfolio management skills are awesome.
I say you're fine. Does anybody really give that much thought to Valentine's Day that we need to tiptoe around it? Pfft.

Might be bad form to do it on the actual day but it's not till next week. Plus it's not like you're engaged. I say you're fine. Life is tough sometimes. She'll live.

Why? When you gave her the news, was her reaction very Valentines-Day oriented?
Call her now and end it is the best advice I can give. It's not that close to V-Day and she'll appreciate that you called (not texted).

One time, Blitty

I kinda half-assed broke up with her already. She cried a little and left, but we said we would get together later tonight. She might not want to after thinking about it more.
I say you're fine. Does anybody really give that much thought to Valentine's Day that we need to tiptoe around it? Pfft.

Might be bad form to do it on the actual day but it's not till next week. Plus it's not like you're engaged. I say you're fine. Life is tough sometimes. She'll live.

Why? When you gave her the news, was her reaction very Valentines-Day oriented?

Well she brought up V-day like a month ago and seemed really excited and was interested in what our plans would be. I kind of gave her the spiel about how its a 'stupid pawn holiday' and she seemed disappointed, so I said "don't worry we will get dinner or something". I'm thinking if I broke the news to her within 1-3 days from the holiday that would be a lot worse.
I don't see the problem with how it exists right now? It sounds like you expect her not to even want to hang. If she contacts you and wants to hang and you are more into your other options just say you are sorry and that you made other plans....if you had the half assed break up why wouldn't it occur to her at that time?

If you feel closure is necessary for her and you do think she is still looking to hang on V Day then yes the call is the way to go imo; a brief one since you are revisiting the break up. If you don't then I say no action on your part is necessary at this time.
I don't see the problem with how it exists right now? It sounds like you expect her not to even want to hang. If she contacts you and wants to hang and you are more into your other options just say you are sorry and that you made other plans....if you had the half break up why wouldn't it occur to her at that time?

Well she 'requested to be in a relationship' with her on fb. I never accepted it. We have had multiple discussions how that hurt her feelings. But she dealt with it. I have cheated on her multiple times. Been feeling guilty lately, especially since she is 'nicer' than the average girl I date. Almost daily I get new numbers and options. She wants to be more serious. I think I'm doing her a favor in the long run.