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What can I do?

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Honestly, I'd probably go talk to him, find out his rationale, and see if you can reason with him if you have some disagreements. Don't be afraid to communicate. Nothing gets solved otherwise.

Actually, that's not a bad idea. Although, I'm not entirely sure I want him to know who I am. If he is a crazy man do I want to step out of anonymity? His house does say "crazy person" a little. If I was home I'd take a pic of the aluminum palm trees and stuffed animal lined picture window. I'll ask Mr. X, but I think he's going to tell me to "go to the pool, pal"
I love people that move into a new area and then want them to change the rules more to their liking without any regard to the people that already live there. Go kick him in the pills roller derby style. Then shit on his head horsey style.
Actually, that's not a bad idea. Although, I'm not entirely sure I want him to know who I am. If he is a crazy man do I want to step out of anonymity? His house does say "crazy person" a little. If I was home I'd take a pic of the aluminum palm trees and stuffed animal lined picture window. I'll ask Mr. X, but I think he's going to tell me to "go to the pool, pal"

Yeah. Although, you may go talk to him and find out he has some valid reasons for his positions and the woman that you talked to previously is actually the crazy person. Who knows. If he has stuffed animals why wouldn't he appreciate real ones? LOL. You never know.
I am sure that somewhere in his twisted mind, he feels he is doing this for the animals

Oops, sorry. You were asking for advice regarding which troubles you should inflict on this miserable bastard.

I think you should peel the tag off of his license plate so that he gets pulled over. Hopefully, he will have a dead body in the trunk or weed in his car.
Pally it's fuckin' farm land.

Pally don't set me off tonight. I'm not in the mood.

hey if its a farm then whatever

thats why i was asking what his reasoning is

but to give the most common example of neighbors being inconsiderate - let's take dog barking. If you have a dog and your neighbor complains about barking, you should be assumed guilty unless proven innocent

I think it should be legal for someone to kill their neighbor's dogs. There should be some kind of provisional first steps of course. First you should have to document the problem, then you should document an attempt to talk to the neighbor, then you should document an attempt to contact the appropriate authorities.

But if you do all of that, and the problem is still there - OPEN SEASON BABY!!!!!!! break out the anti-freeze-seasoned meat. Come and get it!

yes I know "its not the animals, its the owners" and yes i would prefer it to be legal to kill the owners, not the animals

but the reality is that will never be acceptable, so for now i think it should start with just being legal to kill the animals

do you know there are people IN JAIL for killing their neighbors' dogs who were barking, and the neighbors told them "fuk off. move if you don't like it"?????


Some Ricans moved next door a few months back. They had a pitbull (shocking, I'm sure). They kept the pitbull outside for hours on end and it would yelp as if someone were beating it. They have since replaced the pitbull with a dust mop looking puppy, which is cute enough. But they let it out their front door and do not put it on a leash. It likes to hang out in our yard and bark at us or birds or leaves blowing in the wind. What kind of people let their puppy roam the neighborhood?
Pally did some serious work in this thread. A lot of what he said in this thread may have come across as extreme but I found myself nodding my head a lot when reading his posts.

I mean, when I read the first post initially all I could think was, "why would anyone give a shit about a woman having an extra horse?". I'm not even a big horse fan (I got pummel kicked when I was younger while working in a barn) but even I don't see the big deal about a horse.

But there has to be more to this story.

The barking dog syndrome is a great example. I live right behind a house where every Fri/Sat night like clockwork the owners go out all night and leave their two Italian Greyhounds in the backyard until 4:00 AM. Italian Greyhounds are like my 3rd favorite breed of dog but I've seriously contemplated killing those two little motherfuckers on more than one ocassion because the noise is so obnoxious.

And when you diplomatically talk to the dog owners they act like you're out of your mind.

Mrs. X what's the whole story
I hear you Daft on owners talking like youre out of your mind.

The pit that my neighbors had that barked ALLLLL DAYYY...no exaggeration. Well the back neighbors finally said something to them and they SNAPPED! I happened to have my window open. They were ready to come to blows that they even INSINUATED that their dog was loud.

I fucking hate people.
Mrs. X what's the whole story

If it was just the one lady telling me a sob story about this guy I'd be more suspect, but I've heard the same thing about this guy from several neighbors.

This is hearsay but, I have been told he has gone around the neighborhood in the past taking measurements of potential horse related code infractions on neighbor's homes and if they're off even by inches, he will call. I think he's been a jerk to several neighbors, but really targets his next door neighbor. This might be partially because of the horses, but possibly more intense because of the American Indian persuasion or just that they rub each other the wrong way.

I can't believe that MonkeyFOcker is the voice of reason here. I go back and forth on actually talking to him. I've been in nightmare neighbor situations before and if he is crazy with alot of time on his hands, to call attention to myself could be disastrous. I've dealt with neighbors with unruly animals before, and I don't think that the horse owners are out of line in this situation. I go by their house all the time and everything is cleaned and in order. I can't be sure, but my gut says "crazy guy", but, maybe not.

I've got some time to think about if I want to talk to the guy or just "go to the pool pal". I've been getting deeply involved in situations that are not important on the grand scale of things, and it's been bringing me down, so this situation, not another thing I probably want to get tangled in.
I happen to have a lot of experience dealing with horrible neighbors, and my take is this:

Bitchy neighbors have absolutely no idea how vulnerable they are to collusion between the other neighbors. When I lived up in Oregon we had a neighbor who thought he owned the street parking in front of his house. He'd go knock on anybody's door to ask them to move their car from in front of his place because he had guests coming over and wanted them to be able to park in front of his house. He'd also call the cops if you had your ghetto blaster turned up past 10PM, just a real douchebag.

So anyhow, I got two other neighbors to agree to corroborate a call I made to DEQ (Dept. of Environmental Quality) that we'd seen him dumping used motor oil down a storm drain. Since we constituted three witnesses, he got a $1,000 fine! He came storming over after the DEQ agents left and threatened to kick my teeth in, at which point the other neighbors showed up and reminded him that they made excellent witnesses against him. I explained that since he had no friends in the neighborhood, he was really at our mercy. We could make up a bunch of shit and file a nuisance action against him and force him to spend so much time in court that us parking in front of his house would be the least of his worries.

I moved before we could mess with him anymore, which is a shame. That guy was like EnglishMike on the forums, the smallest irritation would send him into a crazed frenzy about the irredeemability of our collective souls as a neighborhood. I know it's wrong to bear false witness against your neighbor, but I gave up on making it to Heaven a long time ago. Now I'm just here for a good time and to revel in the chaos of it all.