Hooligans Sportsbook

What are you listening to?

Good businesses on sale this week in the stock market. How credit rating downgrade affect multinationals with multiple capital pool sources is beyond this poor chap's understanding. Not as much as people think would be my guess. CNBC salivating at the doom and gloom ratings go boom. I guess S&P downgrade really affects how many hamburgers you sell, people you bury or medical treatments you perform. Oh well ,already through 3/4 of my dry powder already and will empty the rest as people panic some more. When blood is running in the streets it is time to buy property! Errr scratch that buy more gold people! It's the bee's knees baby. Ron Paul! Ron Paul! lololololol teaparty. Ayn rand be spinning in her grave.

Some upbeat music from an underrated group for my excited and joyous mood.

Can't stop watching this video - saw them live a couple weeks ago, the drummer works with my GF. Fonny guys. They asked me to take a pic while they were setting up:
