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No words, all synths


Not quite my cup of tea (but I do like the sub genre and for sharing).

If you’ve never listened to Tim Hecker’s album, Ravedeath, 1972, I can’t recommend ienough listening to 3 tracks on it (in order and in one sitting):

“No Drums”
“Hatred Of Music 1”
“Hatred Of Music 2”

Preferably in a place with no distractions with good headphones.

I can’t help but think there are a lot of “happy accidents” on these 3 tracks because there are some perfect ambient sounds that, in my case, literally struck a nerve.
The Cure's new record is quite good.
Warsong and Endsong the best tracks IMO.

the cure

I'm super happy for Brad. Been. HUGH fan for maybe 15+ years?

Thank FUCKIN GOD this guy finally got paid.

Probably my single greatest find from my "I'm only listening to Canadian artists" phase from the early 2000s. Found SO many good alt rock albums. And this was the top. Brad Sucks is fantastic, and absolutely deserves a pay day