Hooligans Sportsbook

What are you listening to?

Big V, are you ever getting back to the GL bases contest? Dafty was gracious enough to keep score for you but didn't seem grateful with me keeping tabs on his score! Fascinating!

Been so hot last few here and DJ played this today while driving! Haven't heard in ages and can't remember last time I took a dip in a pool, ocean, wherever ...... URGE TO JUMP IN POOL BUT NO POOL!

Oh shit forgot about that. Been busy with work I'll get back to it.
I like that tune Pavy :up: Towards the very end of the rock n roll era for me.

Yeah I have been listening to all the CD's I bought in college now and I'm ripping the songs and downloading them on my phone which I use to listen in the car with bluetooth. Getting tired of carrying a case for all the CD's and having to switch CD's while I drive.
Currently listening to a Lutheran church service on the radio. Rather calming.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, this place is for sinners.

You're welcome here, but you're going to have to dirty up a bit-Luthren church is not going to cut it.

NEW ROCK for Fair Warning-would be really surprised if you didn't like this: