i was thinking about this the other day... weighing pros and cons about living right next door to a bar...
pros... pool tables, sports on tv, beer/liquor, food, fun entertainment with new friends you meet (unless it attracts the wrong crowd), easy walk home

, might could work part time if they needed someone (get a little cash and discounts on everything) probably end up getting discounts anyways though

... picking up a broad and getting action would be easier
cons... expensive as fuck because i would get too lazy to go buy beer and would eat there a lot (if the food is edible), cars coming and going at night (noise), what if i hate the crowd, cant really hide from the gf/wife over there, expensive as fuck, taking a broad home would be easy but then she would know where you lived and that is usually a NO-NO :donthinkso: , and last but not least, it would be expensive as fuck
but im still on the fence about it

... im sure stevies did this assessment himself and found it to be worth it