Hooligans Sportsbook

What a Night

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You most certainly are NOT gay.



OK Muddy a little extra help.

At this point I still had zero idea who the dood in the red shirt was either. Still didn't think that warranted Dafty standing right in front of him in pictures. Notice the goofy shades I'm wearing completely concealing the fact that I'm staring at sexy glasses girl's chesticles. Me pro.


The mystery man here is a security guard (I think?) and he was just a riot. I don't remember much of what we talked about, but I do recall enjoying his company.


This is simply, hands down, my best work to date. Full stop.


We also made friends with this odd couple at the bar. As the night wore on, this guy became loonier and loonier. He was dubbed Spanish Elvis for his propensity to bust out in a crazy dance out of nowhere. He was supplying our group with many shots, so his dancing antics were welcomed.

As for his girl, people used to tell her she looked like Tiffany Amber Thiessen (her old ID pic looks JUST like her) but nowadays she hears Fergie Ferg more. That's not a good sequence of events for Spanish Elvis' girl.


Hopefully Peter Loshak stumbles upon this picture. It will make him explode in his pants and :bowdown: to me!


Someone asked about taking pictures in strip clubs. This was not a strip club, just a seedy little dive bar. Somewhere between here and there, our trashy hot bartender (I call her Rho II) was shaking what her momma gave her up on the bar. I'm not sure if this was before or after we were all walking around outside in a rain storm, and I didn't really care either. Just keep shakin' it girl.


Robyn tried to relive the Savior Dog magic, but it wasn't meant to be. We named him Poddle and he was the victim of unspeakable abuse. I hated him and punted his dopey ass up on a stage somewhere and now he is gone.


GameLive.com - The home of gay guys named Rogue.


Teela, call me! ;-)


This guy right here?? Well hell, I don't know how to explain it. Some NY guido with a weird tick and a nasty anger streak. He had some great story about giving some form of minority 10 cents once, and then demanding he return his 10 cents to him a minute later. If ever anything fell into the category of "you had to be there" this picture is it.
