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Welcome To Our Newest Member: choicy

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Choicy, when and if you decide to post there are several approaches which you may wish to consider depending on what desired level of acceptence you are looking for.

1: You could speak soley about sports, have statistical data and perhaps even a proven method and post plays. While on the surface, this being a sports forum and all that may appear to be your best option, it will severely limit your amount of interaction with the board as a whole.

2: You could opt to speak freely about your hair, how you measure up to a standard toilet paper roll and basic information about your balls. These are options if you are a male that will provide you with an enormous amount of interaction.

There are plenty other options for posting styles from negative Andy's to narcissistic scientist to angry penis', choose you posting persona carefully as it is very difficult to remake oneself after that initial post.
There are plenty other options for posting styles from negative Andy's to narcissistic scientist to angry penis', choose you posting persona carefully as it is very difficult to remake oneself after that initial post.

Welcome choicy! Wal as almost always is right.

Wal, it would be easy for you though, I could picture you downing some drinks in Orlando and dancing around with one of Bread's wigs on. Maybe even a spotlight slow dance with Savior Dog.

PS Wal, be careful about people buying you sodas and bringing them over from the bar.
Mr.Monkey, I have already prepared my excuses for NOT accepting drinks from others. As much as I love everyone here I have a sneaky suspicion that someone might find it funny to see my fat ass high on some Mickey slipped in his drink.