Hooligans Sportsbook

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wwheng, how much does a cup of coffee cost in the Philippines?

In Cuba plommer gets two cups of coffee for about 10 cents (Canadian funds).

an "all nighter" with a Cuban chick sets him back about $40.
(we see many different broads throughout the week)

wwheng you know plommer is from Canada, right?
A cup of coffee with milk at Juan Valdez in Colombia now costs $2 plommer. When I arrived there it was .80 This is how I knew it was time to go.

the biggest cup of coffee (extra large) at Tim Hortons is $2 total.

I loved going for coffee in the morning in Holguin.

Would drink two coffees and smoke a cigar for about 50 cents

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Since i cant dance

my friend do this for me xD

good morning everyone

its morning here but its time for me to sleep

take care guys

wwheng, how much does a cup of coffee cost in the Philippines?

In Cuba plommer gets two cups of coffee for about 10 cents (Canadian funds).

an "all nighter" with a Cuban chick sets him back about $40.
(we see many different broads throughout the week)

wwheng you know plommer is from Canada, right?

What's up Mr.Betplom

In Philippines you can buy it with only 5 pesos

5pesos coffee = 1 cup

really? where in canada mr.plommer?
wwheng, I am in the little Canadian village of Toronto, pal.

We have a sizeable Phillipine population, mostly young women that work as nannies or live in caregivers for old jews.

I see

So you have a young philippine women in your house?

to take good care of you? xD just kidding

i have 2 friends in canada but i dont know where O_O