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Welcome to Gamelive Newest Member: camilion15728

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IAG you know I respect the fuck out of you but that's the whole point here. Plommer will do anything to cause drama, he's just morbidly obese, stupid, ugly, lazy, uninteresting and lonely. That would give him something to look forward to because there literally is nothing else and he's done that to himself. I broke up with Cami and I am over her. Just ignore him. I hope eventually you see that he was never truly your friend or anyone else's, he's just a piece of shit.

What a fuckin lame dude.
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Cami is collateral damage.
Plus its just words and images on a screen. Only softies get butthurt over this stuff.

Steve participates in these online shenanigans because he can't help himself, just like with his drinking - no control.

I do this for fun.

Steve, have a beer, or 40, pal.
Why don't we meet somewhere and you can be a man and say that to my face lardass?

Why don't we meet? I'll tell you why. Because you're boring/uninteresting and because what happens online is just entertainment.

Only a complete idiot like yourself allows himself to be so consumed with an internet persona that he wants to respond with violence in the real world.

Steve you are consumed with me. CONSUMED. You make videos about me and can't stop flapping your gums about me and you follow me around like a puppy. You joined TGF just to follow me.

Oh and I know you aren't serious about the lawsuite nonsense but if you are, service here of legal papers from a foreign jurisdiction must be personal, as in hand delivered by a process server and NOT by the mail carrier. That costs money. So you can't do it.
Sure, where to you want to meet at and when lard?

This is what happens when a troll has no friends and nothing to look forward to. It doesn't matter how it would be sent to you. Male is male. And your tits are too big for you to be one.