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We need to know about posters past career paths

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If it keeps up, people are just going to stop coming here and posting. Imagine what anyone new to the site coming in would think. You all should really be ashamed of yourselves.. All of you...

... All of you should get a life and grow the fuck up.

If you are refusing to submit to a polygraph test Steve, well, I think that says it all. There would be no reason not to if what you are saying is true and I am paying for it. Think about it...or shut the hell up.
Mr. Quincy. I hope you and others are paying attention. He is the one starting this shit..every day..Not me, not Plommer, not Nina, not Cami, not FW, not Matty, and his lying and trying to twist things around for the people who are not paying attention. He thinks it will be easy to confuse the people who half ass read the posts. ...easy to blame Iag....but those who are paying attention know what's up.

He asked for no contact. I gave it to him.I stopped after the DF thread. Yet he continues daily to post in my threads, start threads about me, outright lies...literally outright lies...things that are not even up for debate...when called on them he just ignores my requests...I answer his questions. HE is the one bringing this forum to shit and I have to think everyone knows it at this point. If they don't, again, they are not paying attention.

I have asked Steve to take a polygraph test with results posted by examiner or whatever on GL. He has chosen not to participate. I think that says it all.
Not paying attention; don't give a shit; Its not sports or broad related, I really could not give a flying fuck what any of you are saying or doing..

All of the drama whores can fuckoff at this point. All of you.

You guys should stop thinking about yourselves for a minute and consider the effect you are having on the site.
Lol no one said you posted a picture of us here.

You have nothing to prove with us, just go away.
Where in the hell would I post it? How would I even have one? And now it's not a picture of Cami, it's a picture of "us?" Seriously show us where. Show Gamelive that you are not full of shit.

Love to see this.
Since GL appears to be headed to having a Civil War ..... Can we start posting like ....... one side goes bout it in this color ..... and the other side goes this way? Wally would be proud! :wallylove:

And Matty with the new military standards you can play war games with us too! :mattyrain:

I with you till death and beyond! Matty, how many Matty Rains on the insensitive banter scale?
Lol no one said you posted a picture of us here.

You have nothing to prove with us, just go away.
I've stayed out of your way. You are the one not letting it go. You can talk shit about me, but as I have stated numerous times I will not let you lie about me. If you stop with the lies, I will try to let your other crap go.
it appears to me that she was asking if that was the email in question.

I asked IAG NOT to respond to any of the drunk posts from last night so maybe we wouldn't upset Cami with all this shit again today. guess that was a waste of my time.

Are you sure you read it? There is no email address in that thread or post. Still waiting to hear what the relenvancy is.
I've stayed out of your way. You are the one not letting it go. You can talk shit about me, but as I have stated numerous times I will not let you lie about me. If you stop with the lies, I will try to let your other crap go.

I'm in on the polygraph but only me, not Cami.

Full results to be posted in thread, you set it up, pay for it and all arrangements and I'm only available on weekends. Serious too. Try to make it local my truck is a piece of shit.

Kato Karate Kid just texted me to let me know you're not Mr. Miagi.
Sorry Nina. You know I tried...but when now he is trying to pin some additional bullshit on me AGAIN,....

I posted my explanation...I leave for 15 minutes and come back to numerous posts about why I haven't answered the question. I get Blitty is under fire for exposing the Rito/RJ stuff, but trying to take focus off that, by trying to drum up some bullshit against me is wrong.

I swear to GOD I did not send that email. I don't know who did. End of story. I googled it to see if it really was not out in the public domain as was indicated early in the thread. Why is that so tough to understand?

This post is proof right hear that IAG brings all this drama upon herself.

First she references the thread from 2012, that has nothing to do with her. Now she is bringing up RJ and Rito out of nowhere.

You might might want to consider her motives before defending her.
This post is proof right hear that IAG brings all this drama upon herself.

First she references the thread from 2012, that has nothing to do with her. Now she is bringing up RJ and Rito out of nowhere.

You might might want to consider her motives before defending her.

She isn't the one starting all the threads though Blitty. That is my point. Just like when Cali was making all the ones against you, I was in there defending you as well and asking her to stop with all of it. That's all I want. Just for it to stop and let's get back to the serious business of posting nonsense and banter.