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watch cali spiral

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Yep. Currently most couples save $$ filing married jointly. If youre together another 10 yrs and the saving is just 2-3k/yr it could be significant. Also, it could be the easiest way to establish a legal relationship and thus a number of legal niceties by operation of law (intestate inheritance, durable power of attorney, etc). Of course, depending on your relationship these might be undesireable.

i wasn't upset with chris at all. he cares. that's nice.

it's not as bad as i make it sound - i guess. i'm just partying a lot, but also working a lot on job searching and grad school applications. in my first post, that was deleted i had put that i'm averaging 10 recruiter calls, 3-5 interview calls and 1 in person interview per week. Plus today I submitted my first of 4 grad school apps.

On Friday I had some gay guys over to my apt after going gay clubbing and now i can't find my anti-depressents. I think this one dude who was here, who was a hanger on, not one of the main friends, stole them. I asked my friends and none of them really knew/now him. Fok.

I have no idea what is going on with chris. In my mind things are great despite the distance, or well, WITH the distance, as far as open honest caring goes. but I have that feeling I always get before he pulls away hard core.

I would move forward with life here but what it comes down to is that i have no idea where the fuck my life is headed. I don't know if i'm going back to nyc, staying here, getting a job, going to grad school, having to get some lame job b/c i cant get a good job, i have no idea. and that is such a fucking overwhelming feeling that I'm having trouble coping. I'm doing what I have to do, grad school apps, job apps, etc. But fok.

I'm taking a break from dating b/c every guy here only wants to fuck, and is totally upfront about that. I don't want that. I haven't had sex since chris in nyc. (btw i didnt sleep with the small penis dude - we were making out and he couldn't get hard so it ended before it even started.

I don't want to just hook up. I want something more, but not a relationship. I had a guy here but i had to cut him off b/c he wanted a relationship, and he was a total pot head. a big dick and rough sex is not worth putting up with a broke-ass loss puppy pot head who gets stoned and texts me all the f'in time. also he lives a car-ride away (not transit) by like 30 min out of the city. no dice.

that is the latest by cali.

more stories later this week i'm sure.
i love easy whores :yes: be careful out there, buddy...

not that easy kiddo. one dude in December i slept with and then one in january, who i didn't fuck, i found out he had a small penis during hot and heavy making out, so i left as to not deal with the disappointment. and i'm an easy whore? hm. ok. sure.

Heath Ledger took a HUGH cocktail of benzos and he wasn't on blow.

Tell Chris that he's a bit of a homo.


good to know, and yeah it's a really weird transition that confuses me.

Damn hang in there Cali. Shit.


He used to be my idol, but I've been losing respect for Chris lately..

says the man almost engaged.

Rule #1 when caring about a person that enjoys illegal items.
You NEVER call the police to check on them.
Bad move.

i think he was super freaked out

I would like to hear Chris' side of the story.

i worried and scared him, he says.

Another GL'er who is in dire need of some serious therapy. Holy Fuck!!!

i 100% agree with you. i need therapy. i'm getting some... soon. i need to make an appt

You will make a fine mother one day.

not in the plan my man

was hoping that Cali made us a Lingerie Football Throwing video here

Stay Golden Cali Girl

i will work on it

I love how a thread about Cali girl's attempted suicide turns into a bash fest on Casper.

I don't think that there's any topic that can't be turned into a Casper bash fest.

no attempts. don't want to end it.

Gamelive = Dodgy Therapy

Hang tough Cali

kinda, yeah actually.

Cali hook me up with some oxys

PM me with your paypal

I need a better hookup

My doctor is getting stingeeee

they;re not mine

Will you shovel my driveway?

pay the neighbor kids

I'm the only married Canadian on here?

matty soon

I may as well be married, but I am not Legally Married...same girl going on 10yrs...

It is up to a jury of my peers to decide.

good enough for me.

These are long texts.

My advice is to work out more, pop pills less, and enjoy the California experience. There's a lot more to it than bar hopping.

Jesus I sound like I'm 60.

meh - i should get out more during the day while i cana
true - b/c there is no such thing. every town and region is totally different. the "experience" will change from Tahoe to SF to Napa to LA to Palm Springs to SD, and everywhere else.

Here is an example: (it starts where i live now and at 2:31 is where i grew up, and back again kind of at 3:20. 3:50 is san diego (in case you're not familiar). but they don't show where Blitty is from, b/c now one wants to fly over The Valley).

true - b/c there is no such thing. every town and region is totally different. the "experience" will change from Tahoe to SF to Napa to LA to Palm Springs to SD, and everywhere else.

Here is an example: (it starts where i live now and at 2:31 is where i grew up, and back again kind of at 3:20. 3:50 is san diego (in case you're not familiar). but they don't show where Blitty is from, b/c now one wants to fly over The Valley).

Did you just refer to OC as the valley?

You're way off sister. Totally different county, about 100 miles away.
nah, not a manwhore... extemely selective... i kid with the 'liking whores" talk...

no mission, i like watching train wrecks... the sooner she realizes what she is, the sooner more wrecks can happen... perhaps im a bit impatient :dunno:
With Blittster on this, RR and FW are always cool with me and I have not understood their motivation here. We're all on somewhat of a roller coaster to an extent and I find her true stories to deliver quality content.

Edit - RR likes to see things crash got it :lol:
was her # in the 50s? or was it like 90? i cant remember, but she told us in one thread... to me, admitting to that many guys, at such an early age, is admitting that you are a full blown whore :yes: so i thought she knew ... :lmao: