Hooligans Sportsbook

Want to lick her tookus

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Ok this is deplorable behavior by me. I went in and flirted with her for about 1/2 an hour. I went in with the camera in hand as per request to show you allt he Minimart and her but it ended up being a long worthless video of the camera in my with a few shots of my kok and random stuff. It is available at request but trust me it is awful. While she was distracted she overcharged me for the Gatorades which were supposed to be 2/$3, but she charged me $1.99 apiece. I called in to complain about it and said now I could not make my rent as a result.

This is not alpha male material. I am a tool.

Any critisims on how to correct this are welcome. Know if you watch this it is just my ceiling with worthless dialogue.

That being said...

stevey enters minimart, films his cock doing the wave, and overpays for energy drink

news at 11

also, cleaning the snow off stevey's car is not the responsibility of minimart's complaints department

finally stevey chose the wrong person to call out as she was the one waiting on him

you know before I watched the vid I was a little disappointed but after I have to give you credit for something
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Steve(s) don't be a cheater.

Nina Trista has been really weird lately. She defriended me on FB though she says someone else did it - but she doesnt correct it. She still acts like she is my girl once a day. Then she ignores me the rest of the day. I am pretty much over it.

Matty, how can anyone?

Enigma cosign. I got more of those vegetables today. They rock.
Good stuff stevie. Minimart girl FTW!

McB I appreciate it. In analyzing my own game here I have some concerns. First and foremost less laughing by me. If I make her piss her pants thats one thing but giggling with her like a little school girl is effeminate and not constructive to anything tookus whatsoever. So I can remain funny, just much, much less of that.

I do need to be a dick a little bit more. Like for instance when I go in there and pick up some food and I tip her a nickel in front of everyone and with a straight face tell her not to spend it all in one place she always loves it. Old school "Swingers" mentality. Helps to avoid the friend zone.

Last night I went in there for some food I ordered rom her coworker, and I didn't expect her to be there so I was a bit scuzzy (working 12 hour days from home will do that to you here and there). I was in unwashed jeans and a cheesy Brooklyn Lager sweatshirt. Still though since she was there I made a scene telling her coworker she overcharged me on Gatorade and wrote "because I hate you" on the back of the receipt. The customers were laughing. She said I never did that and I came back with did you overcharge me to which she had to say yes and it was end of discussion. I have come to find out their garlic cheesy bread is very, very good and a fine value. I will send some to the next guru if there is one.

I'm putting myself in the sin bin with her a bit - 2 days for jeopardizing tookus potential. The next time I see her I need to be looking money, fresh off a workout and in my money fleece, and nothing but alpha male with a bit of humor mixed in, preferably hair cut (if it would stop fucking snowing up here) too. And no more calls for awhile. I need to establish some leverage here.

I will let you know how it goes.