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Top 8 Reasons Why I Need To Have Dinner With Cali & Blitty

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I am giving you the nod on your recent avatars Casp. Lionel Richie - is it me you're looking for? :lol: not bad. Enjoyed the boobies and the mask too.

Were you really homeless and begging for money? I had an uncle like that. We shunned him.
Thx matty. Youre invited as well. Grandpa just turned 91 but doing well. Granma is 88 with full blown dementia so she just lays in her bed all day. Her bed is riht next to the dinner table though. After a while you wont even notice her.
Yeah yeah. That's real nice Blitty, comparing me borrowing $300 from Scholar for a week to what Casper pulled that summer. Well played sir. :rolleyes:

Woah. You are way off. I definitely wasn't making that comparison at all..sorry for making you think that.

I was referring to casper asking you to borrow money. I'm guessing he gave you some sob story and that is the reason you contacted his family, right?
I am giving you the nod on your recent avatars Casp. Lionel Richie - is it me you're looking for? :lol: not bad. Enjoyed the boobies and the mask too.

Were you really homeless and begging for money? I had an uncle like that. We shunned him.


When the bash had ended I was DEAD broke. Things happened on the way to Vegas that has been told a million times. I asked literally 4 posters that I had met and talked to on a regular basis for money.

Yes, for a spell when I didn't have an apartment yet, I stayed at a shelter. I got myself a job and rented a townhouse shortly afterwords.

Matty and I were friends, but him and I had a falling out. Knowing that he pulled that Facebook move was pretty shitty. It was years ago, so past is past. For him to joke about it recently in a thread was odd.

I guess it was a slow day at Gamelive.
Woah. You are way off. I definitely wasn't making that comparison at all..sorry for making you think that.

I was referring to casper asking you to borrow money. I'm guessing he gave you some sob story and that is the reason you contacted his family, right?

Blitty, if you are trying to justify reaching out to someone else's relative via Facebook, good luck. If anyone on here thinks his actions were altruistic you couldn't be more wrong.

When the bash had ended I was DEAD broke. Things happened on the way to Vegas that has been told a million times. I asked literally 4 posters that I had met and talked to on a regular basis for money.

Yes, for a spell when I didn't have an apartment yet, I stayed at a shelter. I got myself a job and rented a townhouse shortly afterwords.

Matty and I were friends, but him and I had a falling out. Knowing that he pulled that Facebook move was pretty shitty. It was years ago, so past is past. For him to joke about it recently in a thread was odd.

I guess it was a slow day at Gamelive.

Casper I'm doing quite well these days but can I borrow $5k just to, ya know, fuck around with?
Steve, I have basically not responded to the recent jabs at me because I thought leaving them alone was the best. If you want to say I pick fights with Gamelive ladies, go ahead. You don't know what went down.

I did not reneg on paying. I messaged Bread before the deadline to get sending info and he was out of town. When he got back to me, it was past the due date. Instead of late paying and having a chance of winning, I decided not to play. I did play the first round remember? That is better than the majority of posters here.

I put up my picks as a joke and I thought the rap battle was good Gamelive fodder. Trust me, I was not posting the plays to one up anyone or their plays.

As far as being homeless, my life in Vegas has been well documented. Some true, and some false. No need for me to explain what went down again. I am fine with how things went. Contrary to Matty's opinion and his questionable actions, I came away from Vegas stronger and with a better understanding of myself.

Calling me a schill is what angers me. I am not on Gamelive constantly posting links to my blog. I am not putting up false records. I am not doing anything on here or on SBR that could anger mods. I have worked hard to not push the envelope lately in this aspect and in posting in general.

I just wanted to get that of my chest.

i didn't see you ever leave anything alone.

blah blah blah blah justification blah blah blah excuses blah blah blah

This is quoted from the "What Have You Done Thread"

When Casper was going crazy 2 years ago, texting everyone, begging for money, saying it was a matter of life and death and he was on the streets, I called a cousin of his (first person I found on his Facebook profile who had the same last name) to let her know Casper seemed to be in trouble. She didn't sound very surprised by my story.

Looking back, I should've figured that Casper had been there before and I should've let him do his thing, but it was hard to just ignore the all-out harassment by way of text.

I snitched on a degenerate.

you can't just type something and put it n bold. dude, you know that. you have supply a link to the actual page where this quote lives. we may not all be bright, but we ain't dumb. don't try to pull one over on us.