Steve, I have basically not responded to the recent jabs at me because I thought leaving them alone was the best. If you want to say I pick fights with Gamelive ladies, go ahead. You don't know what went down.
I did not reneg on paying. I messaged Bread before the deadline to get sending info and he was out of town. When he got back to me, it was past the due date. Instead of late paying and having a chance of winning, I decided not to play. I did play the first round remember? That is better than the majority of posters here.
I put up my picks as a joke and I thought the rap battle was good Gamelive fodder. Trust me, I was not posting the plays to one up anyone or their plays.
As far as being homeless, my life in Vegas has been well documented. Some true, and some false. No need for me to explain what went down again. I am fine with how things went. Contrary to Matty's opinion and his questionable actions, I came away from Vegas stronger and with a better understanding of myself.
Calling me a schill is what angers me. I am not on Gamelive constantly posting links to my blog. I am not putting up false records. I am not doing anything on here or on SBR that could anger mods. I have worked hard to not push the envelope lately in this aspect and in posting in general.
I just wanted to get that of my chest.