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Today, I met a posting legend

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So Robyn, are you saying that everything tacomax discovered about Bateman was wrong?

I don't think that can be known at this point. Taco discovered that Bateman posted a bunch of different stuff at different forums. There was the stuff about steroids and stuttering - there was also the trolling for trannies - as I recall there was something about an impaired hit-and-run. Whether it was all nonsense or just part, as I say, cannot be known.

It reminds me of how, when I used to go to AA, we would sometimes get people just pretending to be alcoholics. People have their reasons.
Bateman's response when asked why he goes out of his way to belittle people was "well, they posted personal stuff on the internet". Basically saying that it is free game. Doesn't even matter whether or not he has ever had words with them. But this is just the internet, so it's ok.

I don't know if any of the info taco found is true, but if Bateman did post on different forums with made-up disabilities/addictions/legal problems, surely he should understand that his stories are subject to ridicule as well.
Don't be gay. I'd never share your info. Well, maybe if the price was right.

Just kiddingggggggggggggggg.

Wow. Looks like I still have haters. Are people mad because the Tacomax rumors were false? Like I said people can make up crap online with a simple click of the mouse.

I enjoyed meeting with Bread, Robyn and Nasty. All were good people with good advice.

I am a prick and don't deny it.
Wow. Looks like I still have haters. Are people mad because the Tacomax rumors were false? Like I said people can make up crap online with a simple click of the mouse.

I enjoyed meeting with Bread, Robyn and Nasty. All were good people with good advice.

I am a prick and don't deny it.

Kudos for showing up after everyone has been informed you're a genuine creampuff.

Well done Patty. You dumb fucking American.
Patty, next time you are in the Tampa area, let us know. First pinot is on me. And then, I will punch you in the face.

Also, you will probably always have haters, but just ask Herman (onthewhat). He used to be a villain but has since changed his ways. It's never too late for redemption, Bateman.
Patty, next time you are in the Tampa area, let us know. First pinot is on me. And then, I will punch you in the face.

Also, you will probably always have haters, but just ask Herman (onthewhat). He used to be a villain but has since changed his ways. It's never too late for redemption, Bateman.

Bateman has already redeemed himself, whether he realizes it or not.

The guy is a softie that used the internet to role play as a tough guy.
He was selling, over and over again, that he is really a tough guy. I will go out on a limb and say that he is not a tough guy with muscles, but perhaps with manipulative tactics. Bateman, am I right?

Right, tough, as in annoying.

The toughest guys I knew were always the quietest ones. They never boasted about beating the snot out of you, they just did it.
Not sure why I would walk into a bar less than two blocks from where I work and start trouble. Bread and Robyn were very cordial.

Pinot Noir yes. Grigio NO!

You had been promising/threatening an altercation online for months, but I get it, all schtick. You learned from the master of schtick, Mr Gold.

No worries Patty, you were entertaining and I thought I had you figured out but I gotta admit I really didn't expect you to be such a pussy in real life as Bread described you.

It's all good pal, after all this is the internets. People take this shit too seriously.

You did cross the line by posting personal information.
You had been promising/threatening an altercation online for months, but I get it, all schtick. You learned from the master of schtick, Mr Gold.

No worries Patty, you were entertaining and I thought I had you figured out but I gotta admit I really didn't expect you to be such a pussy in real life as Bread described you.

It's all good pal, after all this is the internets. People take this shit too seriously.

You did cross the line by posting personal information.

Amen Plommer! Call me every name in the book and make up any story you want about me, but doing that is the lowest thing a poster could do to a fellow poster no matter how much you dislike them! :yes:
Amen Plommer! Call me every name in the book and make up any story you want about me, but doing that is the lowest thing a poster could do to a fellow poster no matter how much you dislike them! :yes:
Right, it takes a certain type of person to do this, one that is very angry inside. Rubyn did not like Bateman when he became intoxicated as he displayed the inner rage that alcohol allows to flourish.

I suspect Bateman is probably a good guy most of the time but crosses the line when angered or drunk.