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Tipping in the current economy

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Sounds good as long as the Big O wants to chip in the difference from the billion+ she's worth! Let her serve some people and get 10% and she how she feels? People are already probably cutting back on going out affecting servers. Tipping the same and if that his going to ruin me financially then I might as well blow my brains out!:fro:
I am doing pretty well even in this economy. so I will tip even more. Even a suck ass waiter/waitress will get at least 15% out of me, and I have been known to tip upwards of 40% for really good people who have attention to detail. Oprah is a tight ass, but it doesn't surprise me because as the steriotype goes, women and blacks are the worst tippers.
Hey, I really don't know who tips the best, or worst, but if you talk to servers, they will tell you that women and blacks tip the worst. As for tipping the strippers, I tip the one best who is really into satisfying the customer the most, I don't play favorites based on racial grounds, but looks and enthusiasm are much appreciated.
I was out for dinner last night and my tip was 15% plus the next dollar. In other words if the 15% brings the payable amount $66.48 (or whatever), I leave $67.

I never give it much thought but I just did that automatically so I guess that is what I always do. The economy hasn't changed anything.

I love Oprah but come on.
"Oprah Winfrey has recently stated on her TV show that it is acceptable to tip servers 10% in our current economy."

What do you guys feel? Is this a legitimate way to help unbury posters from the superbowl:clueless:

I think that is ridiculous to lower tips due to recession. If you afford to eat out, then you can afford to tip properly. If not stay home.
Fuck Oprah. Those people work really hard, and people need to remember they basically make next to nothing for an hourly wage.

I tend to tip 20% as long as they don't fuck anything up, and if they are really good maybe more.

Oprah should spend 1 week working as a waitress at a high volume restaurant and I'd love to see what her fat ass had to say about it after that.

Again, the important thing to note here is, fuck Oprah.
Fuck Oprah. Those people work really hard, and people need to remember they basically make next to nothing for an hourly wage.

I tend to tip 20% as long as they don't fuck anything up, and if they are really good maybe more.

Oprah should spend 1 week working as a waitress at a high volume restaurant and I'd love to see what her fat ass had to say about it after that.

Again, the important thing to note here is, fuck Oprah.

You want to fuck oprah??? You sick fuck.