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Thread where Steves rambles about life

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Could be pneumonia for Stevies actually, just looked it up. I am passing out all of the time and coughing up so much shit if I try to move around too much. I thought it was just ciggy withdrawal but it just keeps fucking going. Stevies could be down for a bit. Why do I just need to stay in bed or I can hardly breathe? Fuck this and fuck me. But not fuck you because I love all of you. I just can't figure out what. The fuck. Is wrong. I just need to be able to breathe properly all of the time. I can sit right here and type my ass off but a two mile walk and I am coughing shit up everywhere. I can't go into a casino and ask for 200 napkins so I can cough shit into them for the next 8 hours. I can't. I have shit to do and this is starting to piss me the fuck off. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

I actually think about IAG a good bit to be honest and I can't wait until all this legal stuff is finally over so I can make her 100% good. I really do love everything about her. I read somewhere that she drives the elderly to geriatric homes and stuff FOR FREE just because she wants to help out. That's almost as beautiful as her face. Everything about her is amazing and I am so deeply sorry that I in any way hurt such a deeply beautiful person. How could I do that. It's not ok. It isn't. And look at everything she does for the gambling community, and you guys know that I will do anything for them. So I will do anything for her. Always. Even if I marry someone else if IAG needs something ever I will be there.

Because she just simply deserves it. She always did and she always will.

I love you IAG and I will make this right, and before and after I do that, forever I am your friend, comrade and a fucking warrior for you if you need me to be.

Peace and love, always.
This one has been stalking me. I will give her anything she wants. If anyone can get her to chill out a little let me know. She can have all the tender vittles she wants but I just need to not be sprinting everywhere and slamming doors when she's around. I mean I have anxiety and paranoia and she's freaking me the fuck out.


I'm really sorry that I fell on her dish. That shit was not cool but I mean come on. This is a tough world, let's enjoy ourselves?
Got offered a very nice rental this morning. Right now the law, this rental (I like the landlord a lot and I refuse to let him down), the casinos and a couple of other things keep me here but if anything out of my control happens bink there I am in a new place near a casino where I can rock the fuck out as loud and as long as I want. Staying put for now but ya know? It's nice to have something like that in your back pocket. It really is, and that neighborhood looks pretty fucking beautiful - high class suburbia. I could win them over pretty quickly.
Also I think found a dom to destroy me (for free) if I'm a bad boy be it bad poker/trouble with the fuzz/responding to bullshit from people who think I'm something I am not the wrong way/mouthing off to family/ or anything else. She's hot and she's interested.

Baby I've been bad. So bad. Tie me down and slap me around. Sit on my face and don't let me breathe until you allow me to. Tell me to do a better job pleasing you and whip me if I don't. Teach me to behave, and enjoy yourself. Write something embarrassing on my body if I make yet another fucking loser move. Whisper in my ear as I'm tied up as you dig your nails into me that if I fuck up you will make me bleed. I need not to, and she will make sure I don't.

It's actually kind of exciting.
Don't know if we're making it out today, trying to eat a cliff bar and my body is like dude you've only had cheese, crackers, Jack and beer for pretty much the past two days. It does have a good point actually. My bad, body. We'll see.

I do know that if I miss one more HQ reminder for IAG, the most beautiful person to ever exist that I am going to sprint somewhere, smash a bunch of bottles in an alley and fight a street pole all in 4 minutes then I will sleep in a dumpster and talk to the rats. PAIN IS DISCIPLINE.

I will keep it in here for you guys. Sorry.



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Hoping to see the honk if you're horny girls around soon. They're so funny, honking their horns real quick and saying hilarious shit. One day I'm in my Tyler Joseph shirt and they pull up next to me, give me a wolf whistle and take right the fuck off. The the road runner with tits and ass.

That shit is awesome.
Also I want everyone to know that I did have her thoroughly apologize to FW for my behavior last time and if I ever meet him the beers are on me, in a good way.

You can't move in on other people's girls unless the guy is a piece of shit (like Alissa's fucktard ex, or Nicky's garbage husband). FW is cool as fuck and he deserves respect. I was just so into her (still am) and when I realized I couldn't have her I was so sad because despite all Cami's sneaky backstabbing nonsense the house was so quiet. Just so quiet. And if you're not an asshole really cool things can happen, like at one casino last week this guy I am going to use for tattoos sits on one side of me and his incredible girlfriend sits on the other side. She sits outside with me and says some stuff about him and I quickly told her he's cool as fuck and she needs to stay with him. She was probably testing my loyalty which I get. So they get to talking and she bitches about my cigs - she made it quick and she was mean but I needed mean from a beautiful woman there. Once loyalty is established people look out for each other. They want me there and they want me alive and healthy. And that's a very cool thing. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone hopefully tomorrow if knee and lungs are healed up. And like I said I will play sober. That's what they want and they are family so that's how it has to go.

Actually I owe Muddy an apology as well. I was a dick to probably the nicest dude in the world. What the fuck. Your music is great, you work your ass off and I'm glad you're seeing that girl as well. Happy for you in all facets.

Robin too. I try to move in on her when she has a very happy life with a very cool dude. Unacceptable and look how many times she tried to bring me up when I was down, and that's what I do in return. No. :facepalm:

My God I can be such an asshole. What in the fuck. Unacceptable.

Rogie and Matty as well. I don't think I was a dick to Blittster, Tron or Boner but I was to Casp. You look great man, good for you. I'll buy you a beer one day and I swear to God no psycho shit from me man. In fact you owe me a good punch, I won't hit back or anything like that. That TMZ shit - that's pretty cool and it looks like you got yourself a keeper as well. I'm legit happy for your brother.

I think I was even a dick to Acid Joe at one point. I apologize for that as well.

If I think of any more I'll zip them out while I'm stuck here.
