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This is why America is turning to shit...

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Mean People Suck
Jan 27, 2010
And you thought Octomom had her hands full—a Tennessee man who has fathered 30 children is asking the courts for a break on child support.

Desmond Hatchett, 33, of Knoxville has children with 11 different women, reports WREG-TV.

The state already takes half his paycheck and divides it up, which doesn't amount to much when Hatchett is making only minimum wage. Some of the moms receive as little as $1.49 a month. The oldest child is 14 years old.

Hatchett explains how he reached such a critical mass: He had four kids in the same year. Twice.

Back in 2009 when Hatchett was in court to answer charges that many of the mothers were not receiving child support, he had 21 children. At the time, he said he was not going to father any more kids, but he ended up having nine more in the past three years.

The state cannot order Hatchett to stop making babies. He hasn't broken any laws, according to the report.


Saturation of the gene pool.
I do not completely agree with, what is it, china or something where they are only allowed to have so many kids, any more and the child is terminated
to put it as nicely as I can, however, I do agree with the idea/concept of only allowing so many children, maybe not as little as two or three, but not 30. You know there is nowway in hell that that man spends any decent amount of time with each child.

Men are not the only ones to blame, women are great at producing more then they should as well.

Personally, I think that people should only be allowed so many children, pending conditions, such as finances, home life, so on and so forth.
I also, and this may sound mean, fully support and fully believe that one should be required to take an IQ test, at the least, before you are allowed to reproduce.

I mean in the end, the only people getting screwed is those kids, there is nothing wrong with a single mother or father, those kids, mentally, can turn out just as good as the next, however, mothering or father more than you can afford or handle is disgusting, it is even more disgusting when they each have a different parent. In mass amounts. Two or three kids with different fathers, be it you thought you were inlove and wanted that together and it didn't work out, or an accident, or whatever, that is ok, that is normal these days, but anything more than that and you have got to be kidding me.

I have met more than one persons who have too many kids and cannot financially, or mentally handle it, or just should not have had kids, let alone been allowed to reproduce ever.

Stories like this disgust me and only confirm the fact that the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
8 kids in 2 years damn

I do not completely agree with, what is it, china or something where they are only allowed to have so many kids, any more and the child is terminated
to put it as nicely as I can, however, I do agree with the idea/concept of only allowing so many children, maybe not as little as two or three, but not 30. You know there is nowway in hell that that man spends any decent amount of time with each child.

Men are not the only ones to blame, women are great at producing more then they should as well.

Personally, I think that people should only be allowed so many children, pending conditions, such as finances, home life, so on and so forth.
I also, and this may sound mean, fully support and fully believe that one should be required to take an IQ test, at the least, before you are allowed to reproduce.

I mean in the end, the only people getting screwed is those kids, there is nothing wrong with a single mother or father, those kids, mentally, can turn out just as good as the next, however, mothering or father more than you can afford or handle is disgusting, it is even more disgusting when they each have a different parent. In mass amounts. Two or three kids with different fathers, be it you thought you were inlove and wanted that together and it didn't work out, or an accident, or whatever, that is ok, that is normal these days, but anything more than that and you have got to be kidding me.

I have met more than one persons who have too many kids and cannot financially, or mentally handle it, or just should not have had kids, let alone been allowed to reproduce ever.

Stories like this disgust me and only confirm the fact that the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

how about those that argue that limiting is an abuse against your human rights
Also, those eight kids, are they like twins, or quads or just eight kids?
Either way, dude, you shoulda stopped at like five, either stop fucking, or use a goddamned condom for christ sake.
I mean for crying outloud.
The fact that is man cannot be stopped, is awful

In fact, one of my good friends was with this guy for years, and they had a child, and she didn't find out until after the fact dude has
like seven other kids, and so not only does the fact that each child has siblings out there they are not involved with fuck with their head, but also the fact that they don't get enough QT with their father (whom despite my point is a dead beat) fucks with their head that much more. I have helped raised this little girl since she was a baby, she is about the same age as my child, and I have seen her, and held her while she cried wondering why her father doesn't love her, why he doesn't spend time with her, is there something wrong with her, and she is only eight. Her mother and I do everything we can to help her, and make her feel so beyond loved and special, but I have learned it doesn't matter what you do, that child will still be affected.

so yeah, people like this disgust me, and maybe, the world would be better off without them.
lack of common sense and just the ignorant fuks being raised by the masses is the death of this country
that goes for all races...
I'm not against limiting certain financially dependent folks to be neutered after a quota of 2 or 3...
for fuks sake if ya cant take care of yourself why produce offspring you have no intention of raising.

granted both my kids were not planned, and I was worried as shit when we found out she was pregnant with the 2nd...
at the time it was gonna be a huge strain on my limited budget. SHE DID HAVE HER TUBES TIED after he was born
but I'll be damned if I went looking for big brother to pay my way
instead went looking to learn more, work harder, soak up what I was being teached on the job with plans to be the one writing checks instead of another flunkie on a crew

all in all its comes from the generations before then and the way/enviroment they were raised...
an endless cycle that wont stop anytime soon.

$1.47 a month:hahaha:
8 kids in 2 years damn

how about those that argue that limiting is an abuse against your human rights

Rog as I said, I understand to an extent, but you have to admitt, this is just insane. This man is not father or marriage material, or even boyfriend material by any means, so I am sure what ever woman in next in line, could find and do better.

So you have to admit, this, is extreme, and unacceptable. There needs to, at least in this case, be some sort of limit. I don't see it as against human rights as far as the adults are concerned, I see it as, how do these kids feel about it, and how does it affect them, and could they be better if it was different, will they be like that, things of that nature. Fuck the moron that did it, what about the kids?

The kids are supposed to be a future, well, obviously not all of us are setting a prime example in anyway, shape, or form.
The kids of these stupid foks will learn sooner or later, but by the time they learn, it may be to late, and these are the people
we are trusting to run our country, our nation, our world, in the future, yeahok.

This also, in a sense feeds into another feed of the revolution that the USA citizens, want, feel a need for,
well, A. do something then instead of bumping your gums, B. Lead By Example.

The next generation only knows what it is taught by the previous, monkey see monkey do.
History Repeats itself right?

So when is someone..and then another, and then others, gonna figure out that you must change history in order to have a different outcome? Change it for the better none the less.
Mothers are at least as much to blame. You know you're the one ultimately carrying the child, unless you're getting raped how stupid do you have to be?
Can't have your finances checked before having children, that would be fascist. But in such an extreme case, throwing a guy in jail like 20 kids ago would be fine.