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The POLITICS Random Thoughts Thread

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It's amazing (and kinda scary) to see Democrat moderates pull together in unity behind the "squad" in their dismissal of Israel.

Are moderate dems really that scared of being labeled racist/islamophobe that they're willing to side with the political ideological beliefs of someone like David Duke in their dismissal of the Jewish people?

Don't get me wrong, every race is far from perfect but what part of the world do they think invented/built 90% of the modern comforts we enjoy today?

I don't see Islam or communism exponentially bringing forward human longevity...

Like Obama said, circular firing squad...
Boris suspends UK parliament for the queens speech...

For first time in a a long time me thinks we're getting a actual no-deal brexit Boyz...

Also, if it turns out that Ilhan Omar did indeed commit adultery should she then face 100 lashes and/or potential stoning to death under sharia law??

What's that saying about those who talk the loudest...

Couldn't happen to a more deserving race baiting "individual"....
i feel bad for people that believe everything they see on their weird news channels and websites

My ex mother-in-law sincerely believes that you can’t walk 10 feet in California without stepping in homeless person urine on the sidewalk
It's not about believing everything you read bruh.

It's about claiming to be part of a 1st world country, yet lack of social/mental health programs that allows this kind of thing to occur.

You lot be better than that cos ain't nobody that likes to call itself the greatest country in the world supposed to have these kind of problems...

But it can't be fixed cos apparently fire hoses are rascist...
Beanie man finally swollowing the red pill...
9:42 is crazy.

Guy is on high alert and has a minds.com anti hate free speech event being held this weekend with people from both the left, Centre and right coming together to discuss their differences and surprise surprise, those commie cucktards of ANTIFA aren't too happy about it happening...

Guy makes a video about being broken into as he's being broken into... Literally... Nutz
There are homeless people all over America but if you watch the crazies on Fox News and other far-right news sites, you are told that homelessness is only a problem in California and Washington.

No argument here re homelessness.

My beef is having a homeless problem that's so bad that 16th century diseases are making their way back into the community because basic sanitary conditions aren't being met.

Like fuck, how about taking some pride in the appearance of a city...

There's a line to homelessness that you just don't cross and for whatever reason human wasteland map apps don't seem to be covering republican states...