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The POLITICS Random Thoughts Thread

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So Guatemala is about to become a safe third world country for the US to deport asylum seekers to..
This trump fella knows how to negotiate like a mofo AND he's getting Mexico to pay for a wall...

Yeah the guys a moron but you yanks don't know how lucky you are. Most of the people of the world want a leader like trump, even if the governments that represent those people will never admit to it.
If people are pissed at the "muh Russia" meddling in the elections, I wonder how the left will react now that project Veritas has verifiably uncovered that Google has been making efforts to subvert the 2020 election??

I'm assuming silence will ensue from all those.

Breaking up tech monopolies is the only redeeming feature Elizabeth Warren has...
I'm all for alphabet soup ppl for the most part (except gender dysphoria which is classified by the apa as a diagnosed mental illness) but is it any wonder that when you constantly tell a group of people that they're lesser than you (because their beliefs may not 100% with your believes) that you'll inevitably and eventually get kickback?
Younger generation kicking back against being told how oppressive they are.

Be careful of those wolves that dress in sheep's clothing...
gdpr fines

these are great :popcorn

against a german police officer for gaining access to license plate db to get contact info

against a belgium municipal mayor for using a db for campaigning purpose

against a german person for sending spam on a mailing list

50 million euros to google by france

against debt collectors
against banks
against car rental companies

So after having BSed all of us with fake Russia election meddling for over 2 years, the mainstream media are presented with actual proof that a entity is actively manipulating/meddling in the upcoming election and all we get is crickets...

Selectively feigning outrage, one issue at a time...

But hey, at least they've proven yet again where their loyalties lie...
And now reddit have just quarantined r/the_Donald and threatened its moderators...

Alex Jones was 100% correct. Welcome to Chinese style level of censorship.

And to think that it's come down to trump being America's only hope for a free internet.

Would roll on the floor laughing if this wasn't such a serious issue...
What does quarantined mean? New post freeze?

Of course the end goal here is to have this sub reddit deleted altogether but they can't just erase it in one hit. That would cause overwhelming outrage.

These prikks are all about playing the long game.