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The Largest group of Protests since the Vietnam War have been going on near me..

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Yes. It doesn't so much matter the color of the perpetrator. I don't know if he talks every case. Plus the victim wasn't killed. Plus it's not about Sharpton. If him and others are lending support to victims who have no one to take up their cause then good for them. That's what they should do.
You're just trying to be dense as possible, as is fw.

The argument is police abuse of power is bad.

Police are more likely to use excessive force against blacks. Mainly because they live in poor neighborhoods, are stereotyped, and have no one with power to stand up for their rights (this I suppose is why Sharpton is someone they can turn to)

Police have a network of cronies who protect each other in these scenarios. Much harder to get away with abuse when the victim is a powerful white person and has a network of cronies of his own.

Read it re-read it hope the argument dawns on you guys soon.:hattip:

Why is it poor blacks and not poor? Wealthy blacks have "bought justice" also. I won't disagree that the cops have each other's back on a lot of impropriorties. They also have a very powerful union.

How do you know that the cops mistreat the blacks more? Look outside of Sharpton for these answers.
Yes. It doesn't so much matter the color of the perpetrator. I don't know if he talks every case. Plus the victim wasn't killed. Plus it's not about Sharpton. If him and others are lending support to victims who have no one to take up their cause then good for them. That's what they should do.

The tax cheat only takes on the cases that are on tv. He's the biggest ambulance chaser out there.
I'm not sure why you guys aren't using numbers to come up with your opinion. Take the number of white police officers, black crime rates, incidences of excessive police force and then figure out the number of unwarranted excessive force cases. There will always be outliers of events that should lead to repercussions, but let's not get caught in the moment and consider it an epidemic. Why does it always have to be a race issue? Because the top African American law enforcement officers are promoted through the ranks and voluntarily transferred to jurisdictions outside of the highest crime rates. It's a numbers game boys and the media is glorifying the exception and not the rule.
its been an epidemic for a long time.

Yes media tends to get on a roll with certain topics mostly because nobody does any journalism anymore and just copy off each other. But protests in the streets is a news story.

And what numbers do you propose we use? And to prove what? The Brown case, which is now officially not a case of excessive force? It's called begging the question :common:
Why is it poor blacks and not poor? Wealthy blacks have "bought justice" also. I won't disagree that the cops have each other's back on a lot of impropriorties. They also have a very powerful union.

How do you know that the cops mistreat the blacks more? Look outside of Sharpton for these answers.

Well if you think they mistreat whites too then all the more reason to join the protest
Well if you think they mistreat whites too then all the more reason to join the protest

It doesn't affect me. I won't be on any side that a racist black leader is on - that goes for Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Farrakhan.

Do you honestly think cops just beat up/shoot random people? It's really pretty simple - don't provoke them, doesn't matter what color you are. The NYC incident is a tragedy to that family and the cop was wrong. The only tragedy in Missouri is to the law-abiding citizens who will be affected by Ferguson - not the wannabe gang banger who showed no respect to that store owner or the cop.

Since this is a passionate issue to you, I'll assume you'll take place in a protest this week, preferrably in the worst part of town that is affected by these outlaw cops.