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the dreams thread

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Potato had a dream that barack obama lost the 2012 election to josh weinstein. Apparently we were in a house with ari gold and were on the run from the cops for putting baloons in the air or something. Tomato imagine park place but a mansion and open fields with sporadic trees you can hide in. We were shaking and were woken up by tomato who asked if potato was ok.

i had a dream about punching steve jobs in the face around 6-8 months ago. it was pretty bizzare dream because he was acting like a prick then i start to punch him and then i went on dreaming about something else that night. it was sort of like a cut frame in the movie. all of the sudden i am with pacqiao, and we are tauting mayweather together. for some reason mayweather looked like steve jobs.
i had a dream about punching steve jobs in the face around 6-8 months ago. it was pretty bizzare dream because he was acting like a prick then i start to punch him and then i went on dreaming about something else that night. it was sort of like a cut frame in the movie. all of the sudden i am with pacqiao, and we are tauting mayweather together. for some reason mayweather looked like steve jobs.

I had a dream that I was in Milwaukee on the street at night and a limo pulled up to the curb and stopped.


The window rolled down and I looked in and it was Robin Yount. He was all afro'd out and wearing his 1982 retro uniform. A little bit like this, but more curly hair action going on.


He asked me to get in the limo and I did. We drove around a bit then ended up in some abandoned house on the second floor and that's when he asked me for a BJ.

I refused, and tried to get out of there. It was impossible though because he was much bigger then me and kept pushing me around. He took it out and it was massive, like 15" I screamed and woke up.

hahahahahahahaahha best dream ever

so I was arrested and I go to trial, not sure on what charges but it was serious stuff, I fuzzily remember my lawyer telling me it was most likely I was going to go to fed prison or at least minimum security but for a long time and it was very unlikely I would actually get away free. it didn't really look like a US court more like a brazilian one, and the case plays out, and it felt like it took a long time but I don't remember the details. So judgement time comes and all the jurors one by one each stands up and says guilty, the next guilty, the next guilty. until it reaches the last one, i hear "not guilty", I look up and make eye contact and it was none other than stevie lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. appearantly we had kept our relationship quiet through out the trial and stevie saved me from prison.

love you bro
hahahahahahahaahha best dream ever

so I was arrested and I go to trial, not sure on what charges but it was serious stuff, I fuzzily remember my lawyer telling me it was most likely I was going to go to fed prison or at least minimum security but for a long time and it was very unlikely I would actually get away free. it didn't really look like a US court more like a brazilian one, and the case plays out, and it felt like it took a long time but I don't remember the details. So judgement time comes and all the jurors one by one each stands up and says guilty, the next guilty, the next guilty. until it reaches the last one, i hear "not guilty", I look up and make eye contact and it was none other than stevie lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. appearantly we had kept our relationship quiet through out the trial and stevie saved me from prison.

love you bro


That is good
hahahahahahahaahha best dream ever

so I was arrested and I go to trial, not sure on what charges but it was serious stuff, I fuzzily remember my lawyer telling me it was most likely I was going to go to fed prison or at least minimum security but for a long time and it was very unlikely I would actually get away free. it didn't really look like a US court more like a brazilian one, and the case plays out, and it felt like it took a long time but I don't remember the details. So judgement time comes and all the jurors one by one each stands up and says guilty, the next guilty, the next guilty. until it reaches the last one, i hear "not guilty", I look up and make eye contact and it was none other than stevie lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. appearantly we had kept our relationship quiet through out the trial and stevie saved me from prison.

love you bro



Anything I can do man, always. So glad I could help! :lol:

They have this construction going not far form where I am and they start at like 4 am, so from 4 am - 750 I sleep on and off. I notice in this period during the short sleeps I have weird fucking dreams. I had one the other day where I fucked my friend Alissa and where as I vaguely remember the sex we woke up and my sperm looked like giant jellyfish in these large test tubes and we laughed about it together then left for work. A Nookie one came the other night which was just a conversation that would never happen in real life.

Weird shit.
Another one of the woken up at an odd hour, drifted off and had a weird dream situations this morning.

I was in this college class. There was this make or break your grade paper due. I wasn't prepared and I had just wrote a few pages of BS hoping it would fly. I was trying to be nice to the professor.

There was this girl in class. I was infatuated with her. We started seeing each other and it was completely intense and awesome.

The professor started seeing her too. I was losing the battle. I wanted to kill him. People in my class all knew. I started giving the professor shit. Fiver was in my class and laughed at me. I think this was because I watched his video soon before I went to sleep.

I needed her so bad and I couldn't have her and everyone was laughing except the professor who looked back very sternly.

Then I remember I needed the grade more than I needed her and then I woke up.
haha fivey :fivergays:

a couple of days ago I had a dream that I go to a bar, like a restaurant bar real fancy, when I get there and order a drink, then from the back someone comes up to me all loud shouting at me and hugs and talks to me like we are close friends and it was justin timberlake, he tells me he wants me to meet someone at the other end of the bar and points to someone, I get my drink and we walk that way and when I get close it was nicky santoro. :wacko:

wtf! timberlake and nicky :clueless:
haha fivey :fivergays:

a couple of days ago I had a dream that I go to a bar, like a restaurant bar real fancy, when I get there and order a drink, then from the back someone comes up to me all loud shouting at me and hugs and talks to me like we are close friends and it was justin timberlake, he tells me he wants me to meet someone at the other end of the bar and points to someone, I get my drink and we walk that way and when I get close it was nicky santoro. :wacko:

wtf! timberlake and nicky :clueless:

Lol classic. Timberlake and Nicky unreal.

This one VERY vivid last night.

For some reason I had been picked for MTV's Real World and I HATE THAT SHIT. I was all pissed off, it was me and a bunch of college freshman but there was this one little blonde that I had a spark with right away. I was getting all pissed off because the kids all started blasting alternative music (the new shitty stuff, not the old good stuff) but then next thing I knew I was in a room with the blonde eating her out. I realized that this whole ordeal would affect work so I was like I have to tell the producer I have to go home - I have a serious job and I can't do this I could lose my job. My poor play was only eating her out and not fucking her right then because the next thing I know she is cutting vegetables on a counter and I"m like "aparagus - that makes my pee smell". he's like "hah mee too" and we were looking to fuck then the phone rings and it's the producer and he says "what's wrong Steve".

Then I woke up.
I had a dream that we were in a big auditorium, it was a microsoft press conference, those real fancy ones where they announce their products. I was in the crowd with the press and there were other forum people there but I don't remember who. and they call on stage Tomato and out he comes from the back dress in a suit, our group of forum people start cheering and screaming and clapping, he starts his speech but i don't know what he was talking about but every so often our little group would jump and cheer for him and he used to always smile at us every time we did. then it fade it out.
