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talk to me about Facebook

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For some people it's not taking a chance RR



you never know... i have read that something as simple as posting a pic of a beer or even commenting on one is frowned upon.. basically, if you are looking for a job and have anything on your fb besides bible verses or positive inspirational quotes, you are taking a risk...:lol: ...
im still astonished that a girl i dated 10yrs ago, who actually lived with me for a few years and knows me very well, had the nerve to wish me happy bday and scold me for my fb page being too vulgar for her kids (under 8yrs old) to view, at the same time.... who the fuck gives their little kids access to fb and then gets pissed at someone for what they do and post on their own shit... seriously, go fuck yourself...cunt

Sounds like the type who would let her kids watch Breaking Bad - then fire off angry letters to the producers about the inappropriate content.
Fuck facebook and uptight employers. I find it absolutely ridiculous and enraging that all of a sudden, just because you work for a company, you are now representing them at all times, and should act accordingly at all times. Like really....so we no longer have a personal life of any kind unless it's professional? So we can't post certain types of jokes, or post too many pictures of the different beers we drink, or other things of that nature....what a bunch of bullshit. Last I checked we are adults, we can drink if we want, we can cuss if we want, I can tell dirty jokes if I want, just so long as I am not saying it to client, then who gives a shit?!!! I feel that as long as I preform my job well, and behave respectfully in situations that call for it, my personal life,. and my online accounts, are no one elses damned business. This would be why I don't have my bosses on my facebook account and all posts are set to private. This is also why I don't use fb much. Fucking stupid.
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Oh shit, are they still sending that spam around? I hope it's just you getting it because you are signed up and they aren't bugging all my friends.

Is anyone else getting it?

I don't even get it. This is the first I heard about the 90% thing.

I don't know what's going on.
it posts on the side of my page in the "ticker" ... im pretty sure you can go to your page and click on recent activity and hide it from the timeline or something like that...but im not positive, i havent played the game in quite a while
Well like I say, I don't get that stuff. I had no idea about this 90% thing. I actually find that a bit interesting but I am not being notified.

I would have guessed I was higher. But Ray showed me something on FB the other day where it said 86% so maybe I'm on the rise.

If you guys hear about me going higher than 90, let me know.

When my wife is on facebook it's like she is in some other dimension. A vortex where there is no stimuli from anything BUT what is on the screen. I could scream that there is a house fire and Dotty (what I believe to her favorite posesion) is burning and it MIGHT reach her through the sensory wall. Amazing stuff.
I can't relate. I take a look at my wall first thing in the morning for anything new, very seldom see anything worth commenting or following up on, and that's it until tomorrow. Probably averages 2 minutes.

Now I do play my game through the day so I guess there's that.
Everyone's life according to Facebook is fucking fabulous!

Well then there's the unemployed single mothers with too much time on their hands posting shit like this!

I find it beyond hilarious going to a store and seeing someone from school I was never friends with! Gee I wish I was awesome enough to act how you did in school/now talking about them while looking at them or acting like your better than someone when you act like that your lower than dirt really grow up! Yep I put on a few lbs not half as much as you I didn't get married cause all my friends were or single cause im a psycunt you called me a slut while being a virgin now whose the slut that's been with 95 percent more guys than I have so next time could you please be an adult thanks!

and not realizing the 12 times they do it a day, they look even more pathetic than the time before!