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stuff thats for fags

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I was always against backing into spots too.
until moving to Chicago and doing more parking in parking garages. I often get there early in AM when there are very many open spaces and not many other cars entering/exiting. much easier to back in and then when leaving with much more car and pedestrian traffic you don't have to blindly back out and hope some late jackass didn't just turn the corner going 30 mph or someone else is backing out from a somewhat adjacent spot if that makes me a fag, so be it. I'm also not going to stop blowing dudes and jizzing in their butts!
I was always against backing into spots too.
until moving to Chicago and doing more parking in parking garages. I often get there early in AM when there are very many open spaces and not many other cars entering/exiting. much easier to back in and then when leaving with much more car and pedestrian traffic you don't have to blindly back out and hope some late jackass didn't just turn the corner going 30 mph or someone else is backing out from a somewhat adjacent spot if that makes me a fag, so be it. I'm also not going to stop blowing dudes and jizzing in their butts!

This is time before the event vs. time after exception. Valid.

Our local municipal lot, which is never more than 50% full and costs $.25/30mins and only takes credit card (lol) has signs that reads "front in parking only."
Ah. Well come to think of it I do find those pricks backing into spots in those big trucks annoying. Not sure if that's to the parking or the truck itself.
:idea: Unless you're a fucking farmer, driving those giant pickups is for fags
Tron's explanation is the only one that even comes close to making sense.

If everyone insisted in backing into their spot at the store, parking lots would be a mess during busy times. It takes way more time to back into a tiny spot vs. backing out into a wide lane. Sure, there is a higher risk of hitting something if you have to back out of a spot. This is largely mitigated by backup cameras and rear crosstraffic warnings on modern cars, but even before that was a thing, I rarely if ever backed into a spot.

A majority of my neighbors back into their spot at the condo but that's because they own big/long cars and parking forward isn't even an option for them because of concrete pillars and neighboring cars. Everything is super tight. Short cars like my Kicks have no issues. I'll allow it in this case.

Otherwise, unless you have perfect technique, you're slowing down everyone in the Walmart lot. You fag.
there are some countries in central/latin america that they insist you park in reverse at supermarkets, it's a thing, if you don't the watchiman comes running to tell you you have park in reverse and supervises you do it, i always just lol'd