Just getting my feet wet IAG. I bought something expecting to hold it for a couple months but Boner and a bunch of people on the Interwebs tried to explain to me why holding that specific investment for more than a day was a bad idea. I'm still not sure I get it but when I saw that I could get out with a small profit, I jumped on it.
I'm investing under a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) which is entirely tax-sheltered, both for capital gains and withdrawals. Sounds crazy, but you can't contribute more than ~$36k to that account right now. The limit is upped by $5k every year. (Any capital gains add to your contribution room, so someone who somehow made a million dollorz in capital gains in his TFSA could withdraw the million tax-free, then re-contribute the same amount next year and resume gamboling.
The genius of TFSAs did not hit me until very recently.
Canada will probably yank the program in the not-so-distant future, but for now it's free-for-all.