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Steves gets his life together

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Well yeah I felt the need to post something since Plommer was talking about the good old days with people he has either committed the criminal act of theft via deception against or whom are associated with those he has done so to like he's still one of the guys. They all know he's a liar and a thief, which is one of many reasons he's banned from every other forum (oh, but don't bring that up, right?). You don't pretend you're still friends with people you've committed crimes against or who associate with them, unless you're truly lost and have no respect for yourself, like Plommer of course.

He proceeded to come in here and post so many times to himself, only showing what a sick psycho he is by showing that he saves pictures of me on his computer, just like he's posted pictures of people I've associated with in the past, just like he posted that picture of that naked guy with his dick hanging out. Guy is like a 15 year old loser no one likes trying to get back at the world with his stupid, childish tactics, and how old is he? As pathetic and sad as it gets with no heart or respect for others because he's given up on himself. Most people don't turn evil when they give up, but this one sure did.

Also I saw him befriending Shorty, one of our best posters, which concerned me for Shorty's well being, so I felt like a reminder of who Plom is was necessary, until he pays up, which he never will of course.

Anyway I'll move on until another reminder is necessary, so as to protect the innocent. I guarantee you he would continue his criminal activity against those who trust him, given the chance.
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Well yeah I felt the need to post something (blabber deleted)...
Try and refrain.
Also I saw him befriending Shorty, one of our best posters, which concerned me for Shorty's well being,
This is a lie.
If it were true a normal person would send a pm with a warning and not post it out in the open.
You used this as an excuse to start another lame attack.
I'll move on until another reminder is necessary, so as to protect the innocent.
Doesn't sound like someone who wants to avoid more confrontation.
You obviously enjoy it so I'll keep going as well.

In order not to annoy the others just refrain. Put me on ignore or something, figure it out.
Okay guys, you had your back and forth.

Go to your respective corners.
Have you forgotten already? This is a multi years long marathon with a nutjob.

2016 pal, 2 0 1 6 !!! And hes still at it. 7 fucking years. No end in sight.

"Hey Plommer, where is Kunsinitas Posting These Days?"
Let's remind this idiot that Internet bullies will be destroyed.
It's obvious he can't handle people standing up for themselves.
RJ, why are you so silent on all this? This is your site isn't it?
Lol no one cares about what you think should happen. You're the criminal., In case you forgot.

When I see someone whom you might hurt like so many others, I'll be protecting them.

Look at you trying to pretend you respect this forum when you post pics of naked men with their dicks hanging out.

So many reasons you're banned everywhere else and why so many hate you.
Yeah for driving with a buzz. Sure I shouldn't have done that but I didn't hurt anyone.

You earn people's trust and then steal from them over the internet because you're too much of a pathetic puss to do it in person. As spineless and low as it gets. And then if they have something to say about it you make up a bunch of shit about them. Absolute lowlife weasel.

Big difference.
Criminals get locked up, you were locked up. Then you got re-arrested because you couldn't comply with the conditions of your probation.

Whatever you want to say man, no one cares.

I didn't hurt anyone, you've hurt so many.

And you found a truly spineless way to do it without getting punished.

Congratulations, you must be so proud of yourself! Knowing you, you probably actually are
Whatever you want to say man, no one cares.

I didn't hurt anyone, you've hurt so many.
Ask your mother is she's been hurt by your actions. You shouldn't really have to because the answer is obvious. Maybe not to you though.

You let her down and shes going to die sad because of it. Hopefully death is soon ( yours or hers, preferably yours - lol).
Keep it to one thread and your insults to each other. There's no reason to bring in family members.
Steve should have thought of that last year when he started with family members.
I just respond in kind.


You're the guy that befriends people on the internet so that you can steal money from them, you butt ugly lardass.

you're going straight to Hell as are both of your parents for not teaching you to be a better person, you sick fuck.

Hopefully the three of you scumbags die painfully before Christmas, and I do mean PAINFULLY for all the anguish you've caused others with your stealing and your lies, filth.

Hope it's as painful as possible

Fuck her for producing the disgrace that is you and teaching you nothing, lowlife scammer

I don't start, I just respond.
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I didn't hurt anyone, you've hurt so many.

Screenshot from 2023-05-23 20-48-56.png
It’s like talking to a broken record with these two when they interact.

I mean damn, when does this get tired for you two?

I guarantee nobody on here finds this entertaining at this point

Fuck off with the "you two" bullshit, this is 100% Steves doing. Pay attention to the instigator.

Just place the blame where its due. If STEVE didn't re-engage this morning this doesn't happen.
I stopped responding to him or even mentioning him back in Dec 2022, see for yourself.
I wouldn't engage or mention him unless he started, which he did.

Remember back in 2016 when you said
"Let's remind this idiot that Internet bullies will be destroyed." He's still an idiot.

He has since let up on you. But he has continued to be on the attack to me relentlessly 7 years later.
Just trying to give the bully a taste of his own medicine.

Fuck anyone that gives Steve a pass. I won't. If you were on the receiving end of his nuttiness for 7 years you would be destroying the internet bully yourself.
I'm not entertained by it at all but he certainly is since he's sitting there going rapid fire with me when I'm on my bus ride home.

I won't be corresponding with him often, but when I do see him pretending he isn't the one everyone knows uses these sites to steal from people, I will protect people from him. It only needs to happen when I see warning signs.

He can psychotically and childlessly pathetically spazz out all he wants like he did today, but I don't care about that.

I did notice he was considerate enough to keep it in one thread, unlike when he's posted pics of naked dudes with their junk hanging out.

Kudos to "it" on that.

Dude's hard drive is filled with pics of internet posters, their associates, naked dudes, and potential victims' information. Wtf.
"on my bus ride home (to sleep with the other stinky homeless drunks in dirty shithole Philly)"

livin the life.

PS: Steve is the cancer, plommer is the Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Plommer and his childish last word game. Another pathetic teenage level tactic he uses against anyone who brings up all his criminal activity against forum posters.

I bet you got the shit kicked out of you in school man, for so many reasons.

Plom be honest for once. Are you or are you not banned from every other gambling forum? If so, why?
