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Steves gets his life together

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i do not "get" this brother guy

Chose to "bump" this thread as opposed to making an "edit", as there are people next door, that want answers.
Fair, I am a reasonable man and to some degree, feel that they or any of you, deserve some.

1st, most importantly, Archie (next door), who wondered words to the effect whether or not I was or am any type of threat to any of you, the forum, or society as a whole - I promise you that I am not. On the contrary. I do my best to avoid scum, but when I see a fukking predator, I start to "have a problem". It does not matter where I am, when I see someone getting fukked with - I DO NOT REMAIN SILENT.

That fukking prick was "threatening" Philadelphia and human life. I was bashful when I 1st reported on this subject, as I was "afraid" of what people would think. Kinda cowardly if I do say so myself, but I suppose the positive spin is that, it takes a man to admit ...

Going to say/write it again - No one here or on this earth - is targeted by ME.
Other than felons, people that commit Violence (Violence - THE ABUSE OF POWER!!) and the predators. Steve is all of that.

Oh, and I am not Plommer, or anyone else that has been accused next door.

Not Paul Harvey, either.

Good day!
. I do my best to avoid scum, but when I see a fukking predator, I start to "have a problem". It does not matter where I am, when I see someone getting fukked with - I DO NOT REMAIN SILENT.

sounds like something Steve would say :dunno:
all very strange. Steve is hardly "predator" .. ...I thought Scommer was the predator :clueless:
Yeah, definitely a weirdo. Also just odd in general he still never revealed how he "knew" what happened to steve... almost certainly because he doesn't. Even if he DID make this random call/report, I highly doubt (as has been mentioned in this thread) any action would be taken on it. And even if it was, how would Brother 52 know?
Yeah, definitely a weirdo. Also just odd in general he still never revealed how he "knew" what happened to steve... almost certainly because he doesn't. Even if he DID make this random call/report, I highly doubt (as has been mentioned in this thread) any action would be taken on it. And even if it was, how would Brother 52 know?

Seriously fuck this guy.

Why did people stroke him off at the beginning again?
Seriously fuck this guy.

Why did people stroke him off at the beginning again?
I wouldn't say I was on team stroke, but originally (admittedly through lazy speed reading) I thought this was a friend/acquaintance of steve that was making a call to get him off the streets because of what he was seeing and observing... not some bozo stranger who misinterpreted a YouTube video.

To Matty Rain's point about getting him off the street though... I lean towards leaving him be obviously. I wouldn't have made the call. But I was just thinking about it the other day, at a bus station near where I live some young nurse was waiting for a bus to arrive to go to work early in the morning and some homeless guy randomly assaulted and killed her.

It's easy enough to say "steve would never do that". Probably not. But who knows what he's like in the midst of his worst trips? He's mentioned on here shouting at and attacking random people. Say he's having a particularly bad episode and he mixes the wrong drugs and alcohol and then sees some random person that he thinks is the "thief" stealing all his stuff or Satan killing his mom or whatever. Who knows?

I think Matty was pro-Brother 52 and I was apathetic/mildly defending it because at the end of the day steve isn't well and could very well be a threat to himself or others in this condition. With that said, some internet jerkoff with no real clue what his day to day looks like (that goes for B52 AND me) shouldn't be making that call or judgment.

Hope the guy is getting some help, wherever the fuck he is.

Missed YOU!

A lot to share! Well get there.

First off? Thank you so much Blitty for the care package man! Best socks I've had by far, beer coozie on my backpack, etc.

You da fucking man, man!

I'm in a shelter at nights, its mostly cool.

Lost library tablet in vodka infused hospital incident that got me thrown into the tank and the po didn't give it back, so then no access to da internetz, almost EXACTLY SIMULTANEOUSLY as I received the care package. Its been all like what the fuck?

Very likely going to work for big security firm and maybe casino.

I have a therapist and shes hot. I have a doctor that gave me great bipolar meds and shes even hotter. Good meds too. Nocotine lozengers, gum, etc.

Made a lot of cool friends and and started album called "Where I've Been" for.....YOU GUEYS.

No time to read thread for now but Ive been really upset that I worried my crew by going 174 on the doctors.

Especially Blittster! That care package was so thougjt out man? And its really helped out. Ive been talking to people and once I'm off parole and have a vehicle Nashville is becoming more and more likely - like for real and stuff.

I will be releasing stories and songs about my experiences one by one.

Now? Who told you guys about my my Latino female cop sorority hazing fetish, in witch I'm the pledge?

I'm not mad? I'm glad. It'll help them find me so we can all fuck eachothers brains out and make great music.

Talk soon.

So much love.

Night 1 I bought 100 proof Amsterdam vodka, drank the whole thing on top of a few Mlites. Started day 2 drinking this high alcohol content twister drinks and just kept going.

Didn't drink at the hospital, but did work out there again.

I was able to get address at local place today so I can have my UC card sent there, that'll help.

Didn't make the art gallery interview unfortunately. I'm not really qualified for that until I have a roof over my head.

I reached out to energy company I used to work for for a bit. Straight mish but there's money to be made there.

Some lady gave me a bunch of chipotle and other food and it was SO good.another lady saw me puffing a cheap cigar so she gave me her cig to finish.

People can be really cool - of you're not a drunk ass shut talking idiot. Got the police called on me at Starbucks because I was talking shit and refused to leave after closing time. Threw their gift cards everywhere, then tried to pick a fight w the cashier. UNNACCEPTABLE.




Had the best pizza I've ever had and the best hibachi I've ever had.

Someone stole my Americam Spirits and I was ready to fuck some shit up. Pissed off nice Wawa girl as well.

Now I have like $35 until about ten days when the UC card shows up.

Gonna be rough. We can this though.


I am quite enjoying my Zaza vape, it's SO good. Wish it could last forever.
You’re Dan Acrroid in about 1983
Glad you are okay Stevie.

Hope you were able to use your time away to reflect, and that this time around you stay on your bi-polar meds and off of alcohol/drugs.

...but that doesn't seem to be the direction we are trending in. Regardless, best of luck, let's at least try to stay out of trouble!