Rules of Subscription/Terms and conditions of use:
Often we get clients buying our picks to redistribute (posting in public message boards in so-called "service plays" threads, reselling our picks for profit or using a buy group to purchase our picks.) We do not tolerate redistribution of our picks by any mean. You should use the picks only for yourself.
If you are found guilty of breaking this rule, you will receive a permanent ban from our service without a refund. Posting plays in public message boards brings too many followers to our picks and it is the last thing we need because it makes the odds/lines move against us. In order for a long-lasting success for you and us, you must stick to our rules.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that you can get away by breaking this rule--we have at least one main moderator in every major sports board under our belt by giving them free subscription and they will help us track the rule breakers using IP address.
If we ban you for breaking the rules, we are positive that its you who broke the rule and there will be no negotiation because we will block your email address. So, don't subscribe to our picks if you are planning on sharing the picks with others by any means.