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so i'm officially single.

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Romance is giving your loved one soft massage and butterfly kisses until she slowly falls asleep when she is feeling down and then having some warm soup and crackers ready for her when she wakes up with her favorite show on TV and then sneaking up on her while she is eating and slapping her in the face with your erect penis.

Wal is the king of breaking down posters personalities based upon a couple hundred posts on the forum

There's no way Wally realizes how immensely annoying he is.

Cali, prior to your first date with him, what were your expectations of dating a man in his mid 40's?

Sounds to me like this was the inevitable result. Don't let the way it ended bother you too much. Fact is, it's over and now you can look forward to dating someone your age who can give you the emotional satisfaction that you deserve and require.
I really don't care but I do so love to interject.

RayRay came correct here.

Regardless if it's the man or the woman cause both are guilty, when it has been established that something is casual and will ALWAYS be casual the blame falls on the individual who developed feelings beyond casual. It doesn't matter what gifts were given, what plans were made or anything that appears to be relationship worthy if the words coming out of the mouth say "we are casual" then that is all it is.

Cali you are probably loads of fun and you might very well be a teriffic girl but you also have an annoying quality about you (not that I myself don't have many so no kettle here) and most guys ESPECIALLY older guys can only put up with that shit for so long regardless of how good the pussy is.
Things like this happen all the time and chances are they will happen again in the future maybe somewhere down the road the roles will be reversed. Thing is you can't sweat shit that isn't meant to be no matter how much you think it is what you want.

real life "caligirl" and game live "caligirl" are completely different people. I am very different in my personal realtionships. please do not confuse the two. and unless you can tell me what it is that i do that you find annoying, then you don't really have a leg to stand on.

you know what's annoying? always saying you "don't really care" then giving your opinion anyway.
I never heard about the picture thing

he wouldn't allow you to take pics of the two of you?

no no, we jsut never took pics togetehr even though we did cool stuff together. just weird.

Wally, this is asinine. If you mean "annoying" in the term that he got what he want out of her without putting much effort in, then yes, she's annoying. They had fun together, the "relationship" ran its course and now she's free.

Live it up, Cali.

Thanks Teela!!!

I agree in this case with you Teela that it Cali's case not a great thing to say but Wally seems to be getting it a lot of late?

I feel bad for CGNJ but seeing the age difference and his family situation probably in the long run she will find someone a lot better to spend her life with than this guy! Remember all the time she spent with him was the fun stuff, not the everyday mundane things that couples have to do together?

right. it was all fun, even if just hanging out at home all weekend. rarely did it ever follow standard relationship guidlines.

I bought her fucking wine, dinner, and a movie. It cost me more than a whore. Have some consideration here.


Teela the afore mentioned annoying quality would be a self-centeredness quality, a high maintenance quality and a brashness of having al this knowledge that so many younger people have. Granted it's speculative on my part and I assume the asshole role that comes with "judging" someone based on what post I have read but I'm comfortable with the assumption and confident that most men and yes ESPECIALLY older men can only dealmwith this for so long.

Teela I wasn't attacking Cali just being brutally honest with her. Sure I could be more tactful but it doesn't change the fact that the guy said they would not be going to the relationship level according to her and did so early on.

just now seeing this. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH every man I have ever sated says i'm laid back and easy going. which I am, trust me. I'm far from needy in realtionships. I'm far from high maintenance. and i have this terrible fault of always putting myself 2nd to the men i date. It's really bad actually, always letting myself jsut "go with the flow" to whatever they say as far as when we hang out,or how the relationship is. but when in a fully commited relationship, then I stand up for myself and what i want and all that. but in this situation with this guy I putmyself 2nd. and so did he.

Wally, he was a 45 year old man that was involved with a 20-something young woman. He knew what he was doing and what he was getting into. They had a no strings attached fun relationship. It had nothing to do with high maintenance or brashness. There are plenty of 40 year old women that have those same qualities, so it's not indicative of age...and some men like that in a woman. The guy was a dick that promised her trips and fed her lines that she wanted to hear, all while keeping a safe distance. Women talk themselves into not wanting things (like a relationship) because the sex is good, he bought her earrings, gifts, blow...whatever. Unfortunately, Cali wanted more and he didn't want more. It naturally fizzled and now she's free.

I like you, Wally...I do. I do want to kick you in the balls right now though.

i adore you Teela. spot on. and thank's for sticking up for me, you rock.

he was in it for 1 thing obviously...

Cali, call me:drama:

ugh that's a sucky feeling.

Women. Always thinking with their cunts.

i do. often.

There's no way Wally realizes how immensely annoying he is.

Cali, prior to your first date with him, what were your expectations of dating a man in his mid 40's?

Sounds to me like this was the inevitable result. Don't let the way it ended bother you too much. Fact is, it's over and now you can look forward to dating someone your age who can give you the emotional satisfaction that you deserve and require.

i thought he wa sin his late 30's. had no idea he was 45. if i had known i'm sure i still would have dated him. I had no expectations to start. I'm good about that. but now my expectation was that it was going somewhere and that we would be together. dumb i know. and naive.

i can't stand guys my own age. 20-something men don't attract me at all. I like my men to be men. 30-something, good careers, live alone (or with roomies, not with parents), someone who isn't crazy family oriented like every NJ 20-something guy, talk about mom issues. I need my man to be independent, strong, good looking, smart, witty, like art and food and wine and like going to cool bars and places around the city with me, to the places I go. eally this guy had all that. expect of course wanting to be in a realtionship and all his other issues.
I'll gladly give a couple examples of what annoys me.

1) The way you childishly handled the Oksana thing right before you left the first time.

2) The way you put personal conversations between you and Casper out there to further embarrass the guy. I have no sympathy for Casper but that said a lot about your character.

The above 2 examples are character traits. While many will argue or defend that online personalities and real life personalities are completely different and in some cases may well be there are certain characteristics that show both online and off.

There are more things I find annoying but they are more petty and personal and I am being nice today.