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So, I finally converted...

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man, rs...

i am glad that you are able to have conviction to make a decision that is clearly against what has been habitually part of your life.

i hope you will find peace.
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How exactly did you come up with this crap? Do you also have to be 100% sure to say that you believe in quantum mechanics? Who the fuck is 100% sure about anything?

It sounds to me like there is a certain kind of atheist that you dislike, and you've decided for some reason that they are the definition of atheism.

Also, atheism is the belief that there are no deities, not the belief that "there is nothing."

How exactly did I come up with this crap? It is essentially the social norm as far as the recognition of these terms go.

Yes, technically and strictly by definition, atheism is simply the belief that their is no deity. How strongly that belief is to an individual is irrelevant. Anyone who believes their isn't a God is an atheist.

Also technically, Agnosticism is the belief that the nature of these things is unknowable, and therefore simply admitting to not knowing. Believing that there is not a God, but being uncertain, by definition makes you an atheist, not an agnostic, because you believe in something that is completely unknowable.

Therefore, socially speaking, most people that claim to be agnostic are people that don't believe that there is a deity, but don't take as strong a stand about it, claiming in the end that they don't know (these people by definition are actually atheists). Atheists, on the other hand, socially speaking, are willing to state that they are certain that there is no deity. If they don't, they are by most social standards considered to be agnostic, even if that isn't correct by literal definition.

As for me "disliking a certain type of atheist, therefore they are my definition of atheism", you are way off. I don't dislike this type of person at all. Have many friends like this. I respect that they are firm in their beliefs, and quite frankly I wish I could write off the belief of a God and afterlife as fairy tales and nonsense too, but I don't quite have that resolve.

Sure, there are spiritual atheists. Just like there are atheists that really hope there is a God and pray sometimes just in case, even though they are pretty sure God doesn't exist. But these people, while atheists by definition, aren't considered "atheists" the way the term is used in today's society. Don't bitch out on me because of it.

Seems no matter what I say, you are going to judge me and make assumptions about me. From the two posts I've made and your responses to them, I guess I must be a debt-ridden atheist hater. You've got me pegged.
Just like there are atheists that really hope there is a God and pray sometimes just in case, even though they are pretty sure God doesn't exist.

I thought it couldn't hurt when I was on the Brewers and Eric Gagne was called upon. Useless fat fuck.

How exactly did I come up with this crap? It is essentially the social norm as far as the recognition of these terms go.

I would argue strongly that your "definition" of atheism is not the social norm. I've been in this society for a long time and I was under the impression that atheism is the belief that there is no God. Like all beliefs, a reasonable person will almost always have some degree of doubt. Having doubt doesn't negate your belief.

Even if you believe that the definition you gave is what society believes, rise above it, man! Why would you choose to perpetuate an idea that is so divisive when you know the truth?

As for me "disliking a certain type of atheist, therefore they are my definition of atheism", you are way off. I don't dislike this type of person at all. Have many friends like this. I respect that they are firm in their beliefs, and quite frankly I wish I could write off the belief of a God and afterlife as fairy tales and nonsense too, but I don't quite have that resolve.

Okay, I was just trying to figure out why you would be promoting such an impossibly rigid idea of atheism.

Seems no matter what I say, you are going to judge me and make assumptions about me. From the two posts I've made and your responses to them, I guess I must be a debt-ridden atheist hater. You've got me pegged.

The couch thing was MrsX. She says a lot of things on here that I wouldn't. If you had asked me before the fact, I would have said "don't borrow money to buy furniture, you never know what's going to happen" but I'm not one to judge people for what they do with their money, at least not out loud.

I don't have you pegged. The only thing I know about you is that you gave a really bad definition of atheism. People seem to think you're a good guy. I don't have much reason to believe otherwise.
RS now that you are into this new phase you should look up the music of Raul Seixas, brazilian
not only a great musician but an idol to the agnostics/atheists, censored and tortured in the ditadura brasileira
if you love getting drunk on fado you'll love this
the first one "singing to my death"

RJ, this stuff is off the chain! At first I was ambivalent about the spoken word section in the beginning, and then the lyrics started to get me right in the coraao. The organ in the background is distracting at first, but when he talks about death taking him in the middle of his drink, with music he planned to write tomorrow, the cigarette burning in the ashtray...

Yeah, that's the kind of shit I want to hear right now. Thanks for turning me onto him, just that first video I watched three times so I could focus on the letras, then the music, and then the video. No wonder this guy has a following.

Morte, morte, morte
Que talvez seja o segredo desta vida
I would argue strongly that your "definition" of atheism is not the social norm. I've been in this society for a long time and I was under the impression that atheism is the belief that there is no God. Like all beliefs, a reasonable person will almost always have some degree of doubt. Having doubt doesn't negate your belief.

Even if you believe that the definition you gave is what society believes, rise above it, man! Why would you choose to perpetuate an idea that is so divisive when you know the truth?

Okay, I was just trying to figure out why you would be promoting such an impossibly rigid idea of atheism.

The couch thing was MrsX. She says a lot of things on here that I wouldn't. If you had asked me before the fact I would have said "don't borrow money to buy furniture, you never know what's going to happen" but I'm not one to judge people for what they do with their money, at least not out loud.

I don't have you pegged. The only thing I know about you is that you gave a really bad definition of atheism. People seem to think you're a good guy. I don't have much reason to believe otherwise.

You are right, sorry I got you two X's mixed up. That was indeed Mrs X. Both of you making one assumption each is a lot better than one of you making two :hattip:.

It's also fair for you to call me out on using overly-general definitions. I can only speak for my current generation, and my original post is basically the norm among most college age people I have interacted with. My only issue was you assuming I was "hating on atheists". Not the case.

You are entitled to your opinion that my original definitions are a crock. You may be right. But I honestly believe these are the types of things that aren't strictly by-the-book. Being an atheist or an agnostic probably means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Like being "in love" does. So it goes.

Hope I didn't offend you or your faith (or of course lack thereof).
RJ, this stuff is off the chain! At first I was ambivalent about the spoken word section in the beginning, and then the lyrics started to get me right in the coraao. The organ in the background is distracting at first, but when he talks about death taking him in the middle of his drink, with music he planned to write tomorrow, the cigarette burning in the ashtray...

Yeah, that's the kind of shit I want to hear right now. Thanks for turning me onto him, just that first video I watched three times so I could focus on the letras, then the music, and then the video. No wonder this guy has a following.

Morte, morte, morte
Que talvez seja o segredo desta vida

to Raulzito :cheers: