Hooligans Sportsbook

So I am reading the facebook thread.....

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Well for starters it doesn't take that long to read or to post something. Secondly, it's not really any of your business, is it?
Thirdly, you're the one bitching about posting too much on forums, on a forum, AND it's the second time you've voiced your opinion.
theWorked at this broads house last week...2 day job...looks like the house didn't even get vaccumed at Christmas. Had a non social 2 year old kid that ran from me like a cat. This bitch spent the first 3 hours of the day on some forum...then the next 5 on some sort of Japanese doll website. Lunch time...computer on the table with her...no conversment with child...kid comes home from school...tells kid to clean room...which was the cleanest dirty room in the house....next...kid is washing moms breakfast and lunch dishes by hand. House has flies...havnt seen a fly in six months. Reallynhard for me not to tell this chick how fkd up she is...When its time for me to take 10 minutes to explain ehat we did at the jobs completion....I could tell it was making her uneasy because I was taking up her computer time.


No disrespect buddy, but I would like to hear more on what exactly you did other than keep a diary on what the lady was doing or not doing? :dunno:
Oh sure thing monk.

I was replacing 2 furnaces at her house. Her old man went to work in the mornings and she was home all day. I went late one night to
temporarily install one furnace so they had heat in the main house. Next day I came back and installed the furnace in the small addition.
Between taking out the old furnace and bringing in the new one. Making sheetmetal and having to bring in supplies for gas, high voltage
electric, low voltage electric, condensate materials, venting materials and a variety of sealants and whatever else...I made about 20 trips past her as she sat on her couch....all fucking day. The next day I came back and reinstalled her main furnace. The stairs that I had to work from led me back to her fat ass on the couch all fucking day where I needed to grab the same double digit amounts of materials.

Now I could have used another doorway and avoided her. But nobody in the house could shovel the snow and the ice built up where as a door was unopenable. I worked on it for about 15 minutes hammering away at the ice to try to utilize the door and protect the integrity of
her filthy house... lessening the route from truck to furnace...but it was too much....door was fucked up anyway...SHe did however have not one but two really nice apple laptops.
At my present job...I work inside a persons home pretty much every job I do.

You learn a lot about people.

For instance.

Did you know that there are really only 2 types of black people.

Both extreme.

Extremely dirty

Extremely clean.

Either the house is going to be a complete train wreck or you are going to have the white carpet...plastic on all the couches...and pictures of a naked black couple wrapped up in a ball to hide privates with flexed muscles. Or you might get a Hercules looking black man holding up a globe or some shit like that.

My helper just 2 weeks ago was in awe when we pulled up to a house and I described what the inside would look like to a tee before we went inside.
Either the house is going to be a complete train wreck or you are going to have the white carpet...plastic on all the couches...and pictures of a naked black couple wrapped up in a ball to hide privates with flexed muscles. Or you might get a Hercules looking black man holding up a globe or some shit like that.
