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So I am reading the facebook thread.....

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SP Nation
Oct 8, 2013
and I ask myself....how the fuck do they have time to post here all fkn day...facebook..
And play and excel at whatever stupid fkn games people invite each other to do..word friends or fruit bonus or whatever the fk it is. I just cant comprehend.
Reading walls...posting walls...uploading pictures...adjusting settings...getting pissed about friends you made so making personalized settings for each friend. Is it worth it. When I want to talk to a friend I will call him on the phone and say....Hey....what the fuck is going on with you asshole...
theWorked at this broads house last week...2 day job...looks like the house didn't even get vaccumed at Christmas. Had a non social 2 year old kid that ran from me like a cat. This bitch spent the first 3 hours of the day on some forum...then the next 5 on some sort of Japanese doll website. Lunch time...computer on the table with her...no conversment with child...kid comes home from school...tells kid to clean room...which was the cleanest dirty room in the house....next...kid is washing moms breakfast and lunch dishes by hand. House has flies...havnt seen a fly in six months. Reallynhard for me not to tell this chick how fkd up she is...When its time for me to take 10 minutes to explain ehat we did at the jobs completion....I could tell it was making her uneasy because I was taking up her computer time.

theWorked at this broads house last week...2 day job...looks like the house didn't even get vaccumed at Christmas. Had a non social 2 year old kid that ran from me like a cat. This bitch spent the first 3 hours of the day on some forum...then the next 5 on some sort of Japanese doll website. Lunch time...computer on the table with her...no conversment with child...kid comes home from school...tells kid to clean room...which was the cleanest dirty room in the house....next...kid is washing moms breakfast and lunch dishes by hand. House has flies...havnt seen a fly in six months. Reallynhard for me not to tell this chick how fkd up she is...When its time for me to take 10 minutes to explain ehat we did at the jobs completion....I could tell it was making her uneasy because I was taking up her computer time.

RfingCase in point.

A poster on a forum which will remain nameless by me and anyone else..tells a story about a forum posted pic that he scrolled too when company was over for a visit. First thing I think of is why is he surfing forums while guests are over. Others first reaction may be to think its funny or whatever. "Intrests" have a time and place...when you dont do them in their time and place...they are a little more then just "intrests".

Do you get it....or is company seeing a big cock picture funny?
RfingCase in point.

A poster on a forum which will remain nameless by me and anyone else..tells a story about a forum posted pic that he scrolled too when company was over for a visit. First thing I think of is why is he surfing forums while guests are over. Others first reaction may be to think its funny or whatever. "Intrests" have a time and place...when you dont do them in their time and place...they are a little more then just "intrests".

Do you get it....or is company seeing a big cock picture funny?
It's not a case in point. It was me and it wasn't "company over" in the true sense of the word. My brother was in town for the week and I do not shut down my world when family comes to visit...nor do they. If it were guests coming over for a 2 hour visit/dinner or something of course I would not be on the internet, but this scenario is much different. Thank you for the anonymity consideration though not necessary.

But I get your point in the big picture.

Who posted that anyway? lol I remember the night vividly. Brick was sitting next to his wife too I think

edit: lol I said "in the big picture."