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Signs that the 2012 prophecy is true

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According to Camping, the number five equals "atonement", the number ten equals "completeness", and the number seventeen equals "heaven".
Christ is said to have hung on the cross on April 1, 33 AD. The time between April 1, 33 AD and April 1, 2011 is 1,978 years.
If 1,978 is multiplied by 365.2422 days (the number of days in a solar year, not to be confused with the lunar year), the result is 722,449.
The time between April 1 and May 21 is 51 days.
51 added to 722,449 is 722,500.
(5 10 17)^2 or (atonement completeness heaven)^2 also equals 722,500.
Thus, Camping concludes that 5 10 17 is telling us a "story from the time Christ made payment for our sins until we're completely saved."
In Camping's 1992 self-published book 1994? he predicted that the End Times would come in September 1994 (variously reported as September 4 or September 6) When the Rapture failed to occur on the appointed day, Camping said he had made a mathematical error.

Seems a robust enough model to me.
So if the rapture is indeed beginning on May 21st, what can people physically expect to take place? Do you have any idea what it will be like?

Yeah, we do. If you go to Revelations 16:18, God gives a very dismal, very scary warning. We suspect strongly that an earthquake will occur and work its way around the globethere will be no question.

Could it be bizarre? Like dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria? Or will it just be fire and brimstone?

Well, the fire and brimstone wont come until October 21st, but the interim is just going to be a time of torment. People are going to be living in a world of devastation. And people who arent killed by the earthquake are going to live in a world where no one can be buried, no organized governmentnuclear reactors will be spewing out wastepeople are going to know intuitively that this is Judgment Day.

The true believers will be caught up. When that earthquake occurs all the believers will be caught up and meet Christ in the air. The non-believers who are left here will not see Jesus; theyll see the sign of his coming, but they wont see him. Yet they will see the effect of the believers being caught up.

We should probably have a GameLive bash for any earthquake survivors.
I in no way feel im some kind of Political guru, honestly i know nothing about politics but on the surface i have very many assumptions upon government and the parties. The average response to the main difference between republicans and democrats is. " republicans are for the rich while democrats are for the poor and middle class". The democratic party is full of big supporters of many many many social security type programs that help out people that cant make it on there own. Although we all know these programs such as welfare and unemployment are taken advantage of by 80% of the people that are on them.

My question is why would you support such policy's. The reason we pay such high taxes along with a bunch of other bs is because of such programs that are draining the system dry. And when such people decide to retire from "welfare", they get social security benefits while having never paid into it.

I believe we need some sort of support for the people who need it but not like we do it now. Id be a strong supporter of tuition reimbursement and free child care for a person who is trying to better themselves while going to school if they have kids to help them out.

If a individual needs additional income support and dosent wish to peruse higher education i believe we can supplement there income but they also must be working. No sitting on your ass to collect free money and food stamps.

As far as retirement goes social security is one of the biggest rip offs there is to the working man. And social security is going broke because people who dont pay into it are milking the system. A much simpler solution to this problem is to get rid of it all together. We survived for 200 years as a country without social security and we can do it again. But i would substitute it with a mandatory 401k plan for all employers and employee's. I pay a average of $50 a week for social security. If we took that $200 a month( $2400 a year + 50% company match for 3600) and invested it in a 401k plan( versus paying into social security) over 40 years making 8% a year(average working years before retirement, average ROI on a strong 401k), that nest egg would be worth well over 1 million dollars. Very sufficient retirement fund that would be guaranteed to workers.

I just dont get why are government is so foolish with such things.

Theres my political rant for the year.

here is another one

god help us all