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Should the Stevies 130 am the local hick bar tonight for strange and possibly a fight

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stop with the texting stuff and all communication with this broad stevie... you dont want her to know that she can come back to you anytime she pleases... let her bury herself without knowing you are around for her to come running to. i made the mistake with the ex and its a gut wrenchingly shitty way to go about each day...
stop with the texting stuff and all communication with this broad stevie... you dont want her to know that she can come back to you anytime she pleases... let her bury herself without knowing you are around for her to come running to. i made the mistake with the ex and its a gut wrenchingly shitty way to go about each day...

Thank you for putting it that way. I kept telling myself to stop but shit then I do it again. Real shitty way to go about each day. Life bouncing on a string, fuck it.

Steve have you gone through the stage yet where you lie in bed and can't sleep because all you can think about is that another dood is railing the girl you love at that very same second?

That's always a fun stage.

Sorry Stevie didn't mean it as a burrial. That really is a miserable part of a break up though.

Someone please hold me.

Hah all good man I didn't take it that way.

You are just speaking truth.

And if/when her friend tells me she is with a new man I will go through that stage and you will have to put up with me.

Come here ya Big Moosey.