I don't think the Armed Services is for you, Pat. Honestly I think you'd do a lot more growing up being in jail for a little while; you don't really need someone to teach you discipline, you just need to learn to live somewhere that doesn't tolerate your bad choices. The military is just another form of job, something which you really haven't shown much success with yet. Sure you can join and force them to change you, but with your obstinacy and relative unfamiliarity with hard work chances are you'd be disciplined a lot and thus always stuck at the bottom of the ladder which would infuriate you. Next thing we know you've mowed down half your platoon with an Uzi and spend the rest of your days in Leavenworth reading the odds on games from a four-day-old USA Today that you got for a blowjob.
I don't think you have a problem gambling, I think you have a problem working. I'd love to see you get shipped down to Latin America for six months to build houses for Habitat for Humanity. I think manual labor, performed away from the protection of your parents, is your best option. Working hard to improve the lives of others would not only instill some work ethic in you but it would give you some self-esteem. Too long have you been covering your self-loathing with humour and bluster. Time to make a decision that will allow you to see yourself as a good person, and someone worthy of success. Once you have those, the success comes automatically.