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Shannon Caddo, the news story

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nice letter nina

Brandi Trenary
ive def been better ive been so sick w/ every kind of sickness including a blood infection that went into my heart & ended up hospitalizing me for EC days straight before i went completely psycho & discharged myself making me even sicker & had a miscarriage @ 4 months pregnant a day b4 i had an appointment to find out if it was a boy or girl :'( so ive been a wreck prior to that when i first found out i was pregnant i quit my job cause i was dancing lost my house b/c my mom evicted me b/c i wouldnt get an abortion & my ex bbyddy tore my car apart ripped out 2000 $ worth of stereo equipment outta it & then tore my clutch up to the point where my car wouldnt work in any gear at all it only started & then went to jail & left me to jump from place to place & this has been happening for about 6 months & i was still w/ him & completly faithful & quit all drugs cause i was prego & found his mom & was living w/ her & everything was straight untill i got sick & had a miscarriage 2 days later i get a letter from him
Brandi Trenary
Telling me how he hates me & never cared about me & just used me & that i killed our baby b/c i was strung out on pills when i really & on god's honest truth i quit & he also says how his 1st babymama is so much better that she actually had his kid J i will never compare to her & how he loves her & thats the only chick for him & all kinds of bullshit & to top it off his mom kicks me out & says yur nothing to me now yu lost my grand child & ever since then ive been place to place & had almost everything stolen from me so im homeless w/ nothing so yea ive been ohkayy too :) UGGGGHHHH FUKK LIFEEE I WANNA DIE !


brandi has the worst hair color/eyebrow color mix going...i find it hard to feel any sympathy for her when she looks like that :yes: ... these kids are so fucked up in the head its crazy...i would have beaten them to death if they were my offspring
Michael Segura is one smooth operator. See him work his unsolicited magic on Brandi:

Michael Segura ayyyy its gonna b all gud lil homey just keep ya head up time has kno clock trust me wene i tell u this ive done lots of it more then what i wold like to admit.the last year u seen me in 05 waz the year i got locked up and just got out not to long ago at all so do the math.all u can do is what my baby moms ant do just be there and wright,go see him and send a lil money some time it just shows that u care and u ant fagot bouts him.cuz trust me wene u in there and ant got kno body it makes it so much worse for the bouth of u and by all means if u luv him and he luvs u plzzzzz plzzzzzz plzzzzzzz plzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!be FATHFULL.and i kno u r a good girl and thats what i rember most bout u is that i liked u alot and i mean alot and u wold never give me a chance but u were never mean bout it u always were nice i thank just ta plzzz me cuz i waz some what of a fat boy fa real lmao but if u seen me now bet u woldent evein kno who i waz Ive lost lots of weight got a lot taller my bodys coverd in tattoos and i mean coverd from head ta tow and i got some facehrl hear lmao.but aney way dats how i kno u r a good woman.but like i said just keep ya head ta the sky and ya feet ta the floor and it will all b ight babygirl.will if u ever need ta talk bout aney thing and i mean aney thing at all ima gud lisner and i wont juge u at all cuz trst me im fa sho not one ta juge.....will hope u have a grate day and that it gets better.....oh ya and do u have a number so we can text or talk if u ever need ta talk?


god help florida
Michael Segura is one smooth operator. See him work his unsolicited magic on Brandi:

Michael Segura ayyyy its gonna b all gud lil homey just keep ya head up time has kno clock trust me wene i tell u this ive done lots of it more then what i wold like to admit.the last year u seen me in 05 waz the year i got locked up and just got out not to long ago at all so do the math.all u can do is what my baby moms ant do just be there and wright,go see him and send a lil money some time it just shows that u care and u ant fagot bouts him.cuz trust me wene u in there and ant got kno body it makes it so much worse for the bouth of u and by all means if u luv him and he luvs u plzzzzz plzzzzzz plzzzzzzz plzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!be FATHFULL.and i kno u r a good girl and thats what i rember most bout u is that i liked u alot and i mean alot and u wold never give me a chance but u were never mean bout it u always were nice i thank just ta plzzz me cuz i waz some what of a fat boy fa real lmao but if u seen me now bet u woldent evein kno who i waz Ive lost lots of weight got a lot taller my bodys coverd in tattoos and i mean coverd from head ta tow and i got some facehrl hear lmao.but aney way dats how i kno u r a good woman.but like i said just keep ya head ta the sky and ya feet ta the floor and it will all b ight babygirl.will if u ever need ta talk bout aney thing and i mean aney thing at all ima gud lisner and i wont juge u at all cuz trst me im fa sho not one ta juge.....will hope u have a grate day and that it gets better.....oh ya and do u have a number so we can text or talk if u ever need ta talk?



Ok, if you can get over the smoking, Michael seems like a catch.


-Has a nice complexion
-Has a unique sense of style
-Kind of uses distinct recycling areas for metal and for wood/paper
-Owns at least two buckets
-Has the good sense to protect his valuables against the elements, with a strategically placed tarp

Michael seems to be looking for love. Maybe one of us could help him out by creating an OKC profile on his behalf. I think we already have the perfect profile pic.