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Sexual Harrassment

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WAIT WAIT WAIT... I Reread this and I I guess i had glossed over the above highlighted bit the first time...

Are you fucking kidding me Chris?

A lot of women are too passive, scared of causing a disturbance, etc. than to say something to you directly or to your boss. This woman who stood up against you, the workplace sexist, is the hero of your story.

You fucked up at work by being a sexist. Now you have to get with 2016 and speak to women as your equals. And what do you do instead? You came here to bitch about it and plead your case to a bunch of dudes who you hoped would agree that this one woman was in the wrong.

I hope your girlfriend smacked you upside the head when you told her about this!

It's not "small," Chris. The way you treat women in the work place is seen by EVERYONE in your work place. Be a role model, not a sexist.

Yeah Christopher!
This thread is ghey.

Women in the service industry are allowed to call their customers any number of pet names, and with total impunity. Alright, "honey bunny" might be pushing it. In that case, you tell Casper that you don't like it and he stops doing it.

Fuck off with that sexism bullshit. It's just a guy being a little gauche for the times.
good point

sorry I missed that

so here's the thing.

ITS OBVIOUS that the majority of girls there want to have you acting like the old Chris.... you are depriving them

you are making the workplace environment less fun and enjoyable for the majority of girls

bring the dollfaces, sweetypies, babydoll, honey bunny, sugar-tits, angel-ass phrasing back and make the hard working gals feel appreciated!!!

don't let this one whiner RUIN IT for everyone else
This thread is ghey.

Women in the service industry are allowed to call their customers any number of pet names, and with total impunity. Alright, "honey bunny" might be pushing it. In that case, you tell Casper that you don't like it and he stops doing it.

Fuck off with that sexism bullshit. It's just a guy being a little gauche for the times.

Would you want Casper calling you "honey" all day, Matty?
This thread is ghey.

Women in the service industry are allowed to call their customers any number of pet names, and with total impunity. Alright, "honey bunny" might be pushing it. In that case, you tell Casper that you don't like it and he stops doing it.

Fuck off with that sexism bullshit. It's just a guy being a little gauche for the times.

If I was told by the woman face to face that she found "honey bunny" offensive I would have stopped. I talk like a drunken Frank Sinatra at times. By no means am I trying or meaning to be offensive. Maybe I am a bit backwards in my thinking when it comes to gender issues. That said, it's not like I wouldn't have changed the way I spoke to her.

To bring it to my boss' attention I thought was a bit extreme. Just my opinion.
This all goes back to my dad's saying of "trust nothing that moves!" Simple upfront to you like "Chris, I don't like being called that anymore" would do the trick for me and knowing your thinking also you! Everything these days is behind your back shitt causing unnecessary drama!

Just go about acting like a robot to her and see how quickly that irritates her! Once again it's goes by my thinking nowadays of what you do doesn't get you in as much trouble as what you say! Washington Redskins forever and in your corner Daniel Snyder on that one!

PS Casp, my dad's other saying was, "no good deed goes unpunished!" That sure has bitten me in the ass over the years! Like you help a little lost kid and next thing you know they perceive you trying to abduct them! Keep an eye on your kid ahole!
Women are not equals and should be happy for any pay they get even if they are caregivers and nurses and give baths and clean diapers they should accept the work because they are morons. They are like slaves aka black people and should be treated that way. They should not even be paid and should be beaten if they do not behave right and work with a smile on their face. He was being nice and calling them hunny. It was not disrespectful it would not even be disrespectful if he demanded a blowjob immediately!!!!! He should be allowed to buttfuck every woman in his work because they are TRASH!!!! Casperwaits you did not do anything wrong please call me so Bart can tell you too he cannot type on the PC.
Women have it hard
Do tell.

Men have it harder. Because men are disposable in our society. Women are valued.

I hope your girlfriend smacked you upside the head when you told her about this!
So you advocate violence when a man says something you disagree with or find offensive and are counting on the old "men shouldn't hit women" but its ok for a woman to hit a man to protect you?

Thats a dumb suggestion, women risk being knocked out by a man who refuses to "bitch up" and let a woman hit her without putting her in her place.

Would you ever suggest that a man should slap his girl upside the head when she does something dumb?

Do you think a man 5'6 150lbs would even think about smacking a dude 6'5 240 lbs?
He would get his ass kicked and is smart enough to avoid doing so.

Women can be dumb but hitting a man and not expecting him to hit back is a poor strategy. Think about it.

Cali, explain the less pay for same work part. I often hear this, how does it work? Are the jobs they comparing exactly the same or is it in general?

Fact: The 75 cent figure is terribly misleading. This statistic is a snapshot of all current full-time workers.

It does not consider relevant factors like length of time in the workplace, education, occupation, and number of hours worked per week. (The experience gap is particularly large between older men and women in the workplace.)

When economists do the proper controls, the so-called gender wage gap narrows to the point of vanishing.

It's a fallacy, disproven over and over by economists. Women make less because they work less.

If women do the same job as a man but for less pay then businesses would be hiring women instead of men because it makes financial sense. Why would they pay a man more for doing the same job as a woman? The incentive would be to spend less and hire a woman.

Why is it women are a miniscule fraction that barely registers in certain fields of work? How many female plumbers do you know? Programmers? etc etc

Google it dude. Women get paid less than men for the SAME jobs.

Only sites promoting feminist propaganda believe in the gender pay gap.

Unbiased reports prove the gender pay gap is a myth.


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Women have it hard,

]You fukkin dumberican.

Men are:

99.999% of American combat deaths and casualties (historically)

The numbers of wounded women and female amputees, meanwhile, are considerably less than their male counterpartsat least 378 wounded versus 17,490; 11 amputees versus over 400but they are historic for modern day warfare.

94% of industrial deaths and accident (NIOSH)

Even though murder is the leading workplace cause of death for women, a statistic often used by gender feminists, that number is only a percentage of the 6% of workplace deaths that women comprise. In other words, a fraction of a small fraction.

Men are:
76% of homicides DOJ
80% of Suicides CDC

In other words, over 80% of all suicide deaths in 2001 were male.

Men are the overwhelming majority of rape victims

Male rape has been called The most closely guarded secret of American prisons.

There are estimated to be over 300,000 male rapes per year in American prisons and jails.

Meanwhile A United Nations statistical report compiled from government sources showed that more than 250,000 cases of male-female rape or attempted rape were recorded by police annually. The reported data covered 65 countries.

How often was it that many more of women wanted the divorce more than the men?


The same as the amount responsible for divorce filings. And yet another study of divorced couples found that the majority of divorced wives and husbands both agreed it was the wife who wanted out.

Women receive custody in about 84% of child custody cases.

Paternity fraud is rampant in the U.S.
30% of those named as fathers bilked of child support unjustly

There is blatant anti-male discrimination in the criminal justice system and the sentencing disparity between men and women exceeds that between whites and any other minority.

Avg sentences for crime by gender:

Female 18.51 months
Male 51.52 months

93% of the prison population is male with over 60% having no High School education.

Capital Punishment Targets Men Almost Exclusively

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, there have been over 1,200 executions in the United States. Eleven of them, or less than 1%, were women. This stands in stark contrast considering women commit, by DOJ estimates, 10% of all murders, are involved in 35% of all domestic homicides (are involved often means they get other people to kill for them) and nearly 30% of murders where the victim was another family member.

False Accusations Against Men are Epidemic

As we see in the Duke Lacrosse rape case fiasco, false accusers are rarely prosecuted and when they are it is only as a misdemeanor (at most), while rape itself is vigorously prosecuted as a felony. The Duke false accuser, Crystal Gayle Mangum went on to commit assault, arson and finally murder before authorities made a good faith intervention.

In America there are over 270 womens commissions, but only one for men in New Hampshire.

There are over 700 Womens Studies programs on colleges and universities throughout the United States teaching thousands or tens of thousands of classes from the gender feminist perspective, but not one program or class, teaching mens studies from the masculist perspective.

Men are more than a third of the victims of domestic violence (26% of intimate partner homicides), yet are denied service at most tax payer funded domestic violence shelters.

In contrast, women get every veterans benefit a man does, yet comprise less than 3% of combat deaths or casualties and a woman makes the cover of Time magazine (person of the year/2003 standing in front of two men.

Men today die on average 6 years sooner than women. In 1920 the variance was one year. The death rates for prostate and breast cancer are similar, but because men die of other things more frequently-accidents ,war, heart disease etc., there are fewer men left to die of prostate cancer.

Women control 88 percent of all purchases.

Women handle 75 percent of family finances. 43 percent of those with assets over $500,000 are women.

Men are the majority of the homeless. But it goes deeper then that. Not only are men the majority of the homeless, but homelessness is the dead end for so many other mens issues. How many homeless men do you think have been raped by the family courts? How many homeless men do you think have been falsely accused? How many homeless men have been victims of domestic violence and ignored? How many homeless men have been severely depressed and overlooked. The sad fact is that homelessness is the end of the road for many men after they have faced years upon years of misandry, people looking the other way, and no services available when they face hardship and discrimination. Nearly all of the issues we discuss and work to bring into public awareness find their dead end in the two male exit points: homelessness or suicide.

The US Interagency Council on Homelessness estimates that of the
chronically homeless 75% are male. One third of those are veterans. In case you are wondering 97% of the homeless vets are male.

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Do tell.

Men have it harder. Because men are disposable in our society. Women are valued.

Women want equality but they want it given to them freely, they are adverse to working for it and who can blame them.
Women whine and men listen and give them what they ask for.

They want equality but expect a man to pay for dates etc.

They want equality but are the first ones out in a fire and given priority in the lifeboats when the ship is sinking.

We are not equal, men have traits that women don't.
A man will take a bullet for his wife or even a friend, women don't sacrifice their lives for a man.

Women want the top positions in a company and expect to be appointed to such a position where men have to work to attain the same job.

Tell me again how hard life is for women in 1st world countries.

Cali women have it hard in many countries but the USA is not one of them.

And women LOVE attention and don't mind being called hunny or another pet name if the guy doing so is attractive. They only object when its unwanted attention from an unattractive guy.
So we can conclude from this thread that Casper is ugly.

I dunno, but I do know this. If every guy that worked at the bar looked like Brad Pitt, or Channing Tatum then the women would be very flattered and thrilled to be called a pet name and would never complain.

Women love attention, but only from attractive men. Ugly men are creep shamed when they show interest.

The theory is that women are offended by an unattractive mans attention because it implies that the women can only attract ugly guys and lowers their value.

Women don't dress up to look good for themselves, thats horse shit. They dress up to attract men but only want attractive guys to show interest.

When women are attractive they attract all men and not just men they are interested in. This pisses them off.
