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Russia faces possible Olympic ban

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Jan 27, 2010
WADA (the World Anti-Doping Agency) have filed a devastatingly critical report calling for the measure due to long-term government backed doping/cheating and cover-ups.

It could also effect past results going back for multiple Olympics and other competitions. Medals could be stripped (and awarded to runners up.)

The focus right now is on the IAAF (track and field) but it is obviously thought to be much more widespread among sports and the winter games in Sochi are particularly suspect.

This is big.

GENEVA (AP) -- Russia could be banned from next year's Olympics in Rio de Janeiro after a devastatingly critical World Anti-Doping Agency report accused the country's government of complicity in widespread doping and cover-ups by its track and field athletes.

The WADA commission set up to investigate doping in Russia said even the country's intelligence service, the FSB, was involved, spying on Moscow's anti-doping lab, including during last year's Olympics in Sochi.

The commission chaired by Dick Pound recommended that WADA immediately declare the Russian athletics federation ''non-compliant'' with the global anti-doping code, and that the IAAF suspend the federation from competition.

''It's worse than we thought,'' Pound said. ''It may be a residue of the old Soviet Union system.''

The IAAF responded immediately, saying it will consider sanctions against Russia, including a possible suspension of the national athletics federation that would ban Russian track and field athletes from international competition, including the Olympics.
what "residue of the Soviet system"?
chee, another phony US invented agency headed by Dick Pound who's aim is to attack Russia. I'm focking shocked.

Russia should un involve itself from all Western controlled bullcrap yesterday. :russia:

And I don't doubt that allot of shady stuff goes on in an attempt to gain somekind of benefit through sport preeminence(?) It's stupid.
Russian elites need to understand they will never be able to gain respect of their Western masters. focking clowns,
When totally busted and without a defense, throw bogus cheese at the accuser - play the victim card - and try to maybe convince yourself someone believes you or something.

Just getting the jump on Russia's response later this week.
Uh...wrong!!! It's a Canadian thing!!! Based in Montreal!!

#nousthistime #dangcanadians

apparently the Canadians have been delegated the duty to spread anti-Russia hate. It's all part of the same system, including large segments of Russia itself.
1st they attack the Olympics in Sochi
then they try to disband fifa because they gave Russia the world cup
now they wanna kick Russia out of the Olympics.

I'm sure these are all spontaneous things that suddenly came up, and have nothing to do with politics.

Like I said, if Russia has any sovereignty lefty it should disassociate itself from all Western run events. Let them play with themselves.:clapper:
They'll probably let them off the hook though. There'll be some kind of half-assed commitment that they'll be compliant - without an open admission - obviously - and they'll say okay, you can be in the Olympics.

Hope not. When you get to the roots of why they do it, it is so lame and weaselly. It's unfortunate because it's not the fault of the athletes or the citizens - but that government needs to go sit in the corner and have a time-out.
No but seriously man, this thing is taking off in different directions today. Part of it is very reminiscent of the post-roid explosion of baseball where people wondered what the commissioner was doing the whole time. i.e. - was he complicit or stunningly oblivious/ignorant or incompetent?

There does not seem to be another option.

In this case it is IAAF officials being scrutinized, specifically Sebastien Coe in one nasty exchange. It's a fair question I suppose although I always feel like it should be a secondary focus after the actual cheating.

Meanwhile a lot of people are suggesting it is not just Russia doing this stuff at high institutional levels.

fuck off Canada

That's apples-to-oranges of course since Ben Johnson's roiding was not something the government was behind, nevertheless what followed is an excellent model for what probably won't happen here.

When busted, admit it. Take responsibility. Don't worry about pointing fingers. Just clean up your own house.

Have open, transparent hearings, set new open, transparent standards - stand by them and enforce them for the long term.

Try to learn and make things better. :light:

Over 25 years since the Dubin Inquiry. Hard to believe.