Muddy have you ever been to Cocktoberfest?
No but I have seen the movie Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and I have tried on a toilet paper roll.
Maybe I am ready for Cocktoberfest.
Sounds to me that BeanTownJim is trying to generate traffic for SBR by having everyone go over there to check out what he is saying. Who gives a fuck what two old dudes are talking about when it comes to forums. Time for all of us to move on.
Jimmy, why don't you take a break from the internet tonight and make an attempt to stick your limp cock into your wife's dried-out old vagina.
Good luck, pal.
I'd also like to give a big "fuck you" to all of the mother fuckers who are jerking off to my misery simply because I married someone you hate. Fuck you, I hope your wife leaves you for a rich black guy with a huge cock and then your children catch the AIDS and get hit by a car. AND THEN....I hope that every professional athlete loses both of their feet to Wilford Brimley's form of dia-bee-tus so that your gambling options are severly restricted.
She wasn't a dick, pal, she was hurt/bitter due to her marriage ending. She was venting. I loved Rubyn, no homo.Wow! I didn't remember Robyn was such a dick. And I thought everybody liked Bread.
These younger girls have no idea the taboo connotation of anal
Motherfucker! did you just agree with Rouge about me being ginormous?
Shaved pussy and then when it didn't return the results I needed (yes, needed) shaved vagina.
*less cats and more coochies when you turn off safe search mode.
Pal, Do you see the circle of nonsense?
You post a thread about Plommer
You get drunk and post continuously like a spurned lover begging for a reaction (this I'm familiar with)
The reaction you get isn't what you want
The posters here watch you take two steps back after taking one step forward.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.