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"I am hear to talk to you..."
Right. Fuck your totalitarian bullshit.
The funniest part - is the left became the Fascists they warned us about in the 70s.

They literally BECAME what they were warning people about.

It's comical. An entire party of Karens. Mask up, take your government mandated vaccine, and let big government shoot 3 loads in your ass like Plommer does to street whores. You should like higher taxes and censorship.

Why wouldn't you?
You missed the comma, pal.

The vaccines were the second item, the government shooting loads into you was the third.
I did miss the comma, my bad. I also missed the ass, by a lot!

Street whores are a long time ago now pal. Haven't participated in that since I was in my late 40's.

Now when I do partake its Asian in-calls at the known local establishments, at last count there were 5
houses of ill repute with sexy little Chinese/Korean ladies here in Windsor.

I participate on average once every two years. Not like I used to be for sure.

We are hugh fans of the Asian pussy.

Never used to be but something changed in me at around age 50 where I found them to be quite attractive.

I prefer Asian women over caucasian broads nowadays.

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real real korean? cause a lot are masquerading as koreans when in reality they are chinese

real korean stock has gone up the last few years, at least in the southern florida market
Sometimes real Korean yes, the rates are much higher.
I'd rather bust a nut with the less expensive Chinese version.

The Chinese are masters at bait and switch, ads are almost always fake pics of young women but when you arrive it's 3 or 4 broads in their 30s or even 40s but that's ok with me as they are ALWAYS petite and super feminine girly girls.
Rarely have tattoos and 90% of the time they have great attitudes and aim to please.

We love the sideways pussy

Going rate here is 120 CAD for 30 mins which includes brief massage, then BJ no condom then sex with condom.
Some places may charge a bit more depending on the lady but at 1am on a cold Tuesday night in Feb the rates are low.
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So, on the ground in handcuffs then?
Picture yourself a police recruit.

Your first few weeks in police academy you learn how to use a firearm, learn defensive tactics, learn case law. You know what else you do? You watch lots videos of cops getting murdered on traffic stops when they’re standing outside the drivers side door of the car they pulled picked.

So now picture yourself a cop pulling over a car and the driver rolls up his dark tinted windows and you can’t see anything that’s going on inside the car. No idea if someone is going for a weapon.

You don’t roll your windows up on traffic stops. And if you fuck around, you might find out.

Let’s see how it shakes out.