The online dating scene.
One (summary) - you're really intelligent and I like it, what kind of beer do you drink? let's talk on the phone - I precsreen all my dates to avoid a bait and switch. Me: Sure. Her at like 3 in the morning: How's it going? I'm going to the casino, might work out. Let's talk on the phone sometime. Me: sure.
And so that's the cycle that repeats itself with that one.
Another one:
Hey hows it going, I went sledding with my kids and drank beer. Me: what kind of beer. Her: Coors light.
I forget about her and disappear.
Her a few days later: I guess Coors light isn't good enough for you. Me: Sorry, got busy, what are you up to. Her: relaxing, how about you. Me: Going to go be the best poker player in the world. Her: Win enough to retire (I thought that was excellent btw). As soon as I walk in the door - her: How'd you do. Me: Lost but had fun.
And she disappears.
Fuck Coors light, I'm trying to drink beer - not tap water.