Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I'll tell you what bothers me though: when I want to look at some porn and all the sites have nothing but girls in skidoo suits. I'm all like, no! These skidoo suits are not getting the job done for me!

Sure, she has a pretty face but I am looking for porn right now and I want some skin and all you are giving me is skidoo suits! It's not on!

I check site after site and it's all the same. Skidoo suits.

Bothers me when that happens.
In 1978 my father took me to Pebble Beach

I was too young to play golf at the time, but I still have a foggy memory or two of that day

He paid $38.00 that day for greens fees and a cart.

Now it's $495.00 + tax and cart fees.

I feel like that's more than just inflation.

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Mr. X, the Olympic skiing that's on right now is pretty badass. You watching.

I was playing hockey. What'd I miss? Which event?

Mr.X, what do you do for a living these days,pal?

I liked the world better when you were modeling baseball, pal.

Gambling, just not sports. Various casino plays, nothing I'll talk much about, but it's been a nice year. Interesting stuff.

I'll maybe get back into sports modelling at some point, but probably a smaller market. The MLB market was getting hard to keep up with. It was getting to the point that you probably had to work with individual pitch trajectory data to stay ahead of the pack. Too stressful.
Interesting stuff,Mr.X (about how precise bases modeling has gotten).

I was honestly surprised that the stuff I did had so much value for 4 or 5 years, since it was really all just hijacking other people's published ideas and applying them to the betting market (with the exception of my bullpen modeling, which was a unique approach). It was still a lot of work, and certainly not an easy thing to do, putting it all together and backtesting, and coding ways to keep up with the stats on a daily basis. But, all the model was taking advantage of was Defense Independent Pitching Stats, proper regression to the mean, and pythagorean theorem, all very well understood things before I began using them.

But the market was catching up with them a bit each year, and by the time I quit, well over half the value of my model came from bullpen analysis (it used to be about 20% of the value), the only original concept in there, and the overall advantage was a fraction of what it was in year 1.
Bacon and Cami must be getting it too! Bout 3" of surprise snow Sunday! Heard more coming in couple days! Since off today too didn't even shovel like I normally do! Somebody down the street must have bought a small snow blower cause my sidewalk is cleared! Wish 2 or 3 feet would come at once! This winter has been the most annoying ever IMO!