Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I've got a new girl now
I've got a new girl now
I've got a new girl now
And she's a lot like you

Is an interesting thing to say IMO. I just wonder if they understood they were saying something interesting or they were just stringing together syllables, making dopey pop music.

I wonder.

Tron accepting poty award at 2004 bash
Coffee tastes better out of my regular Salvador Dali mug than my travel mug. Significantly better.

Normally at this time on work days I am drinking out of my travel mug. I just fill it up because I am heading out shortly so why dirty extra dishes? But not today due to forgetting it and leaving it somewhere. So I'm just using my regular mug at the moment.

It's good.

I am actually going to buy a brand new travel mug on my way to work today because the tabby thing broke on the old one - but I don't expect that to change the situation of relative taste.

i.e. - I don't think it is a question of the cleanliness of the travel mug that makes it taste worse. I think it is the look of it. The substance may also be a factor but it's just the appearance of it and knowing it is associated with going to work or somewhere else and not being in a totally relaxed coffee-enjoying state.

The look of it.
I will also, along with a new travel mug, be buying a coffee at Tim Hortons. It's not like I'm going to bring my Dali mug of coffee with me for the commute. What a balancing act that would be.

That Tim's coffee will be in a regular cardboard cup or whatever substance that is exactly.

That will be the best coffee of all.
I would estimate I have watched 4 episodes of Trailer Park Boys. I guess that is a middle-of-the-road review.

Obviously there are some shows that I like and that I watch all of, but in the big picture - there are A LOT of shows I see clips of and just say fuck no. Then of those I actually sit down and try, there are a lot I never make it through 1 episode. Definitely with most shows, I never make it to 4 episodes.

Now I am obviously not what you would call a fan or I would have watched it regularly. Stats aside, I am standing here saying, no, I am not a TPB fan. I am not feeling fandom.

But 4 episodes? That puts it above most shows for me.
I don't think I have worn boots this winter. Not once. Just running shoes.

I believe there was one incident where I wished I was wearing boots. Even then, it was not egregious; I was brushing off my car and getting a bit of snow down my shoes - but it was worse in theory than actuality. No big deal. I got in my car, drove away and it was forgotten.

It has definitely been a lotta stupid cold this winter but not outrageous on the precipitates.