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Random thoughts

Watching TV last night, some announcer was saying, "Unless you have been living under a rock, you are familiar with . . . "

And then she started naming a bunch of people I had never heard of.

Fuck you.

It was about the show Jersey Shore btw. I had heard the name but knew nothing about it. They started showing clips and I thought, by gawd every single person is completely uninteresting with nothing going for them. How is that a show?

I say you would have to be living under a rock for something like that to seem worth your time.

So take that, dumb TV announcer stupid-head!
My girlfriend watches some reality TV. It's one of these things where she will talk about how stupid such-and-such is - and I ask what she is talking about - and she will say something like, "Oh it's the Real Housewives of Wherever. It's really stupid."

But she watches. I guess it's a "loves to hate" thing.

Through her I have been exposed to things I would never normally watch. There are these "real housewives" (who seem exactly as uninteresting as the Jersey Shore crowd). Celebrity Rehab. Wife swap (???) Some damn show about people who hoard a lot of stuff. :dunno:

I have just seen a few minutes of those here and there but she has made me sit and watch a couple full episodes of the Gene Simmons reality show. That is not a "loves to hate" thing; she really likes it. I point out how it is clearly scripted but she doesn't seem to care.
I am having quite a drama playing out beside me here. There is a big fly (it could be a bee. I haven't taken a really close look) stuck between the window and the screen. I first saw it yesterday. It was energetically looking for a way out. It was wandering back and forth, up and down, every which way.

I know there are ways out. For one thing, it must be possible to get out the same way it got in. For another thing, I can see a tear in the screen that leads right outside. It is easily big enough for the bug to fit through.

I assumed yesterday that it would either escape or just die. But this morning I see what appears to be the same bug crawling around on the screen, albeit quite a bit slower. So it is a slow death.

It is not practical for me to remove the screen and let it out. What I could do is go outside and kill it by squishing it through the screen. I know this is possible because I did it before. That's how the aforementioned tear in the screen happened. I was trying to euthanize some poor bug that seemed to be dying a slow, tortuous death and I smacked it with a shoe or whatever and I ended up ripping my screen.

Life can be wretched.