Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Muddy, do you prefer riding your bike in cold snowy weather or warm sunny weather?

Warm sunny weather.

I don't ride my bike in snowy weather at all. Period. Ice/snow on the ground = no biking.

Now I will ride in the cold up to a point. -5 is about the cutoff (23 fahrenheit).

Anyway there is no contest, I prefer warm sunny weather for pretty much everything including cycling.
When I am recording vocal tracks, the software produces a visual representation. I guess technically it is oscilliscopic (??) Not positive that is the right term but anyway, it shows the shape of the vibrations.

There is one short phrase in the song I'm currently working on - when I do it just right, it produces a shape just like a little cartoon fish with its little mouth open.

I really like that. Little fish.