Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I have been on an Aero bar kick lately. It's totally weird.

I can actually be a bit of a chocolate snob. Like I really appreciate good Belgian chocolate and turn my nose up at the commercial Nestle/Cadbury/Hershey stuff like it is some plasticky non-chocolate containing polymer. I don't mind some of their multi-ingredient bars from time to time like, I dunno, Wunderbar or Coffee Crisp or whatever - but for straight chocolate, I basically never go for that stuff.

But I have had 3 Aero bars this week and I just got a hankering so I wandered across the street and bought another.

The Aero bar has been recently re-engineered.

For as long as I remember, It was like this:


But the ones I have had this week have all been:


Can't say for sure how long they have been like that not having had one in years. I approve of the new configuration though. I find it works.
Well I'll be damned. there's my answer right there on Wikipedia:

In 2012 Nestl discontinued the traditional "speed bump" bars and replaced them with Aero Bubble Bars.

Apparently the Aero wrapper used to display the slogan Hold on tight or I'll fly away!

The one I have here now does not say that. It says feel the bubbles * vive les bulles !

Years ago, I bought some Aero bars for someone to try. They all melted and ended up being a blob of chocolate, which defeated the purpose. I dated a Canadian a few years ago and his mother had some Canadian chocolates (Aero, smarties) sent down. It was bliss.