Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Muddy do you remember your first tv remote?

It was something like this:

I have come to notice after being on the computer for hours on end, I start to have trouble deciphering certain letters. After about 8 hours the letter m starts to look like rn to me, and rn starts to look like m. Sometimes I have to look two or three times to make sure I am ready something right. After about 10 hours, everything gets a little fuzzy and blurry. On the other hand, I don't get migraines on the reg like I did when I first started this job, makes me think my mind/eyes have either adjusted to looking at the screen for hours on end, or I am killing them....who's to say.
i win the freedom to stop looking for crappy apartments

as mentioned before, the rental market is crazy competitive here in yupstertown

entry-level detached house sells for $500k in TO

my work buddy and his wife make roughly $60k each and they took on such a $500k mortgage

$1300 monthly payment each

they be buried